Industry Impact : Brothers from Different Mothers and Beyond…

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My reading material and video watching habits these past two weeks have brought me some incredible joy and happiness. Why?  Because Najam Ahmad of Facebook is finally getting some credit for the amazing work that he has done and been doing in the world of Software Defined Networking.  In my opinion Najam is a Force Majeure in the networking world.   He is passionate.  He is focused. He just gets things done.  Najam and I worked very closely at Microsoft as we built out and managed the company’s global infrastructure. So closely in fact that we were frequently referred to as brothers from different mothers.   Wherever Najam was-I was not far behind, and vice versa. We laughed. We cried.  We fought.  We had alot of fun while delivered some pretty serious stuff.  To find out that he is behind the incredible Open Compute Project advances in Networking is not surprising at all.   Always a forward thinking guy he has never been satisfied with the status quo.    
If you have missed any of that coverage you I strongly encourage you to have a read at the links below.   

This got me to thinking about the legacy of the Microsoft program on the Cloud and Infrastructure Industry at large.   Data Center Knowledge had an article covering the impact of some of the Yahoo Alumni a few years ago. Many of those folks are friends of mine and deserve great credit.  In fact, Tom Furlong now works side by side with Najam at Facebook.    The purpose of my thoughts are not to take away from their achievements and impacts on the industry but rather to really highlight the impact of some of the amazing people and alumni from the Microsoft program.  Its a long overdue acknowledgement of the legacy of that program and how it has been a real driving force in large scale infrastructure.   The list of folks below is by no means comprehensive and doesnt talk about the talented people Microsoft maintains in their deep stable that continue to drive the innovative boundaries of our industry.  

Christian Belady of Microsoft – Here we go, first person mentioned and I already blow my own rule.   I know Christian is still there at Microsoft but its hard not to mention him as he is the public face of the program today.  He was an innovative thinker before he joined the program at Microsoft and was a driving thought leader and thought provoker while I was there.  While his industry level engagements have been greatly sidelined as he steers the program into the future – he continues to be someone willing to throw everything we know and accept today into the wind to explore new directions.
Najam Ahmad of Facbook – You thought  I was done talking about this incredible guy?  Not in the least, few people have solved network infrastructure problems at scale like Najam has.   With his recent work on the OCP front finally coming to the fore, he continues to drive the capabilities of what is possible forward.  I remember long meetings with Network vendors where Najam tried to influence capabilities and features with the box manufacturers within the paradigm of the time, and his work at Facebook is likely to end him up in a position where he is both loved and revilved by the Industry at large.  If that doesn’t say your an industry heavy weight…nothing does.
James Hamilton of Amazon – There is no question that James continues to drive deep thinking in our industry. I remain an avid reader of his blog and follower of his talks.    Back in my Microsoft days we would sit  and argue philosophical issues around the approach to our growth, towards compute, towards just about everything.   Those conversations either changed or strengthed my positions as the program evolved.   His work in the industry while at Microsoft and beyond has continued to shape thinking around data centers, power, compute, networking and more.
Dan Costello of Google – Dan Costello now works at Google, but his impacts on the Generation 3 and Generation 4 data center approaches and the modular DC industry direction overall  will be felt for a very long time to come whether Google goes that route or not.   Incredibly well balanced in his approach between technology and business his ideas and talks continue to shape infrastructre at scale.  I will spare people the story of how I hired him away from his previous employer but if you ever catch me at a conference, its a pretty funny story. Not to mention the fact that he is the second best break dancer in the Data Center Industry.
Nic Bustamonte of Google – Nic is another guy who has had some serious impact on the industry as it relates to innovating the running and operating of large scale facilities.   His focus on the various aspects of the operating environments of large scale data centers, monioring, and internal technology has shifted the industry and really set the infancy for DCIM in motion.   Yes, BMS systems have been around forever, and DCIM is the next interation and blending of that data, but his early work here has continued to influence thinking around the industry.
Arne Josefsberg of ServiceNow – Today Arne is the CTO of Service Now, and focusing on infrastructure and management for enterprises to the big players alike and if their overall success is any measure, he continues to impact the industry through results.  He is *THE* guy who had the foresight of building an organiation to adapt to this growing change of building and operating at scale.   He the is the architect of building an amazing team that would eventually change the industry.
Joel Stone of Savvis/CenturyLink – Previously the guy who ran global operations for Microsoft, he has continued to drive excellence in Operations at Global Switch and now at Savvis.   An early adopter and implmenter of blending facilities and IT organizations he mastered issues a decade ago that most companies are still struggling with today.
Sean Farney of Ubiquity – Truly the first Data center professional who ever had to productize and operationalize data center containers at scale.   Sean has recently taken on the challenge of diversifying data center site selection and placement at Ubquity repurposing old neighorbood retail spaces (Sears, etc) in the industry.   Given the general challenges of finding places with a confluence of large scale power and network, this approach may prove to be quite interesting as markets continue to drive demand.   
Chris Brown of Opscode – One of the chief automation architects at my time at Microsoft, he has moved on to become the CTO of Opscode.  Everyone on the planet who is adopting and embracing a DevOps has heard of, and is probably using, Chef.  In fact if you are doing any kind of automation at large scale you are likely using his code.
None of these people would be comfortable with the attention but I do feel credit should be given to these amazing individuals who are changing our industry every day.    I am so very proud to have worked the trenches with these people. Life is always better when you are surrounded by those who challenge and support you and in my opinion these folks have taken it to the next level.

2014 The Year Cloud Computing and Internet Services will be taxed. A.K.A Je déteste dire ça. Je vous l’avais dit.



Its one of those times I really hate to be right.  As many of you know I have been talking about the various grass roots efforts afoot across many of the Member EU countries to start driving a more significant tax regimen on Internet based companies.  My predictions for the last few years have more been cautionary tales based on what I saw happening from a regulatory perspective on a much smaller scale, country to country.

Today’s Wall Street Journal has an article discussing France’s movements to begin taxation on Internet related companies who derive revenue from users and companies across the entirety of the EU, but holding those companies responsible to the tax base in each country.   This could likely mean that such legislation is likely to become quite fractured and tough for Internet Companies to navigate.  The French proposition is asking the European Commission to draw up proposals by the Spring of 2014.

This is likely to have a very interesting (read as cost increases) across just about every aspect of Internet and Cloud Computing resources.  From a business perspective this is going to increase costs which will likely be passed on to consumers in small but interesting ways.  Internet advertising will need to be differentiated on a country by country basis, and advertisers will end up having different cost structures, Cloud Computing Companies will DEFINITELY need to understand where instances of customer instances were, and whether or not they were making money.  Potentially more impactful, customers of Cloud computing may be held to account for taxation accountability that they did not know they had!  Things like Data Center Site Selection are likely going to become even more complicated from a tax analysis perspective as countries with higher populations will likely become no-go zones (perhaps) or require the passage of even more restrictive laws around it.

Its not like the seeds of this haven’t been around since 2005, I think most people just preferred to keep a blind eye to the tax that the seed was sprouting into a full fledged tree.   Going back to my Cat and Mouse Papers from a few years ago…  The Cat has caught the mouse, its now the mouse’s move.



Authors Note: If you don’t have a subscription to the WSJ, All Things Digital did a quick synopsis of the article here.

Insider Redux: Data Barn in a Farm Town

I thought I would start my first post by addressing the second New York Times article first. Why? Because it specifically mentions activities and messages sourced from me at the time when I was responsible for running the Microsoft Data Center program. I will try to track the timeline mentioned in the article with my specific recollections of the events. As Paul Harvey used to say, so then you could know the ‘REST of the STORY’.

I remember my first visit to Quincy, Washington. It was a bit of a road trip for myself and a few other key members of the Microsoft site selection team. We had visited a few of the local communities and power utility districts doing our due diligence on the area at large. Our ‘Heat map’ process had led us to Eastern Washington state. Not very far (just a few hours) from the ‘mothership’ of Redmond, Washington. It was a bit of a crow eating exercise for me as just a few weeks earlier I had proudly exclaimed that our next facility would not be located on the West Coast of the United States. We were developing an interesting site selection model that would categorize and weight areas around the world. It would take in FEMA disaster data, fault zones, airport and logistics information, location of fiber optic and carrier presence, workforce distributions, regulatory and tax data, water sources, and power. This was going to be the first real construction effort undertaken by Microsoft. The cost of power was definitely a factor as the article calls out. But just as equal was the generation mix of the power in the area. In this case a predominance of hydroelectric. Low to No carbon footprint (Rivers it turns out actually give off carbon emissions I came to find out). Regardless the generation mix was and would continue to be a hallmark of site selection of the program when I was there. The crow-eating exercise began when we realized that the ‘greenest’ area per our methodology was actually located in Eastern Washington along the Columbia River.

We had a series of meetings with Real Estate folks, the local Grant County PUD, and the Economic Development folks of the area. Back in those days the secrecy around who we were was paramount, so we kept our identities and that of our company secret. Like geeky secret agents on an information gathering mission. We would not answer questions about where we were from, who we were, or even our names. We ‘hid’ behind third party agents who took everyone’s contact information and acted as brokers of information. That was early days…the cloak and dagger would soon come out as part of the process as it became a more advantageous tool to be known in tax negotiations with local and state governments.

During that trip we found the perfect parcel of land, 75 acres with great proximity to local sub stations, just down line from the Dams on the nearby Columbia River. It was November 2005. As we left that day and headed back it was clear that we felt we had found Site Selection gold. As we started to prepare a purchase offer we got wind that Yahoo! was planning on taking a trip out to the area as well. As the local folks seemingly thought that we were a bank or large financial institution they wanted to let us know that someone on the Internet was interested in the area as well. This acted like a lightning rod and we raced back to the area and locked up the land before they Yahoo had a chance to leave the Bay Area. In these early days the competition was fierce. I have tons of interesting tales of cloak and dagger intrigue between Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo. While it was work there was definitely an air of something big on the horizon. That we were all at the beginning of something. In many ways many of the Technology professionals involved regardless of company forged some deep relationships and competition with each other.

Manos on the Bean Field December 2005The article talks about how the ‘Gee-Whiz moment faded pretty fast’. While I am sure that it faded in time (as all things do), I also seem to recall the huge increase of local business as thousands of construction workers descended upon this wonderful little town, the tours we would give local folks and city council dignitaries, a spirit of true working together. Then of course there was the ultimate reduction in properties taxes resulting from even our first building and an increase in home values to boot at the time. Its an oft missed benefit that I am sure the town of Quincy and Grant County has continued to benefit from as the Data Center Cluster added Yahoo, Sabey, IAC, and others. I warmly remember the opening day ceremonies and ribbon cutting and a sense of pride that we did something good. Corny? Probably – but that was the feeling. There was no talk of generators. There were no picket signs, in fact the EPA of Washington state had no idea on how to deal with a facility of this size and I remember openly working in partnership on them. That of course eventually wore off to the realities of life. We had a business to run, the city moved on, and concerns eventually arose.

The article calls out a showdown between Microsoft and the Power Utility District (PUD) over a fine for missing capacity forecasting target. As this happened much after I left the company I cannot really comment on that specific matter. But I can see how that forecast could miss. Projecting power usage months ahead is more than a bit of science mixed with art. It gets into the complexity of understanding capacity planning in your data centers. How big will certain projects grow. Will they meet expectations?, fall short?, new product launches can be duds or massive successes. All of these things go into a model to try and forecast the growth. If you think this is easy I would submit that NOONE in the industry has been able to master the crystal ball. I would also submit that most small companies haven’t been able to figure it out either. At least at companies like Microsoft, Google, and others you can start using the law and averages of big numbers to get close. But you will always miss. Either too high, or too low. Guess to low and you impact internal budgeting figures and run rates. Not Good. Guess to high and you could fall victim to missing minimal contracts with utility companies and be subject to fines.

In the case mentioned in the article, the approach taken if true would not be the smartest method especially given the monthly electric bill for these facilities. It’s a cost of doing business and largely not consequential at the amount of consumption these buildings draw. Again, if true, it was a PR nightmare waiting to happen.

At this point the article breaks out and talks about how the Microsoft experience would feel more like dealing with old-school manufacturing rather than ‘modern magic’ and diverts to a situation at a Microsoft facility in Santa Clara, California.

The article references that this situation is still being dealt with inside California so I will not go into any detailed specifics, but I can tell you something does not smell right in the state of Denmark and I don’t mean the Diesel fumes. Microsoft purchased that facility from another company. As the usage of the facility ramped up to the levels it was certified to operate at, operators noticed a pretty serious issue developing. While the building was rated to run at certain load size, it was clear that the underground feeders were undersized and the by-product could have polluted the soil and gotten into the water system. This was an inherited problem and Microsoft did the right thing and took the high road to remedy it. It is my recollection that all sides were clearly in know of the risks, and agreed to the generator usage whenever needed while the larger issue was fixed. If this has come up as a ‘air quality issue’ I personally would guess that there is politics at play. I’m not trying to be an apologist but if true, it goes to show that no good deed goes unpunished.

At this point the article cuts back to Quincy. It’s a great town, with great people. To some degree it was the winner of the Internet Jackpot lottery because of the natural tech resources it is situated on. I thought that figures quoted around taxes were an interesting component missed in many of the reporting I read.

“Quincy’s revenue from property taxes, which data centers do pay, has risen from $815,250 in 2005 to a projected $3.6 million this year, paying for a library and repaved streets, among other benefits, according to Tim Snead, the city administrator.”

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post my job is ultimately to get things done and deliver results. When you are in charge of a capital program as large as Microsoft’s program was at the time – your mission is clear – deliver the capacity and start generating value to the company. As I was presented the last cropThe last bag of beans harvested in Quincy of beans harvested from the field at the ceremony we still had some ways to go before all construction and capacity was ready to go. One of the key missing components was the delivery and installation of a transformer for one of the substations required to bring the facility up to full service. The article denotes that I was upset that the PUD was slow to deliver the capacity. Capacity I would add that was promised along a certain set of timelines and promises and commitments were made and money was exchanged based upon those commitments. As you can see from the article, the money exchanged was not insignificant. If Mr. Culbertson felt that I was a bit arrogant in demanding a follow through on promises and commitments after monies and investments were made in a spirit of true partnership, my response would be ‘Welcome to the real world’. As far as being cooperative, by April the construction had already progressed 15 months since its start. Hardly a surprise, and if it was, perhaps the 11 acre building and large construction machinery driving around town could have been a clue to the sincerity of the investment and timelines. Harsh? Maybe. Have you ever built a house? If so, then you know you need to make sure that the process is tightly managed and controlled to ensure you make the delivery date.

The article then goes on to talk about the permitting for the Diesel generators. Through the admission of the Department of Ecology’s own statement, “At the time, we were in scramble mode to permit our first one of these data centers.” Additionally it also states that:

Although emissions containing diesel particulates are an environmental threat, they were was not yet classified as toxic pollutants in Washington. The original permit did not impose stringent limits, allowing Microsoft to operate its generators for a combined total of more than 6,000 hours a year for “emergency backup electrical power” or unspecified “maintenance purposes.”

At the time all this stuff was so new, everyone was learning together. I simply don’t buy that this was some kind Big Corporation versus Little Farmer thing. I cannot comment on the events of 2010 where Microsoft asked for itself to be disconnected from the Grid. Honestly that makes no sense to me even if the PUD was working on the substation and I would agree with the articles ‘experts’.

Well that’s my take on my recollection of events during those early days of the Quincy build out as it relates to the articles. Maybe someday I will write a book as the process and adventures of those early days of birth of Big Infrastructure was certainly exciting. The bottom line is that the data center industry is amazingly complex and the forces in play are as varied as technology to politics to people and everything in between. There is always a deeper story. More than meets the eye. More variables. Decisions are never black and white and are always weighted against a dizzying array of forces.


Pointy Elbows, Bags of Beans, and a little anthill excavation…A response to the New York Times Data Center Articles

I have been following with some interest the series of articles in the New York Times by Jim Glanz.  The series premiered on Sunday with an article entitled Power, Pollution and the Internet, which was followed up today with a deeper dive in some specific examples.  The examples today (Data  Barns in a farm town, Gobbling Power and Flexing muscle) focused on the Microsoft program, a program of which I have more than some familiarity since I ran it for many years.   After just two articles, reading the feedback in comments, and seeing some of the reaction in the blogosphere it is very clear that there is more than a significant amount of misunderstanding, over-simplification, and a lack of detail I think is probably important.   In doing so I want to be very clear that I am not representing AOL, Microsoft, or any other organization other than my own personal observations and opinions.  

As mentioned in both of the articles I was one of hundreds of people interviewed by the New York Times for this series.  In those conversations with Jim Glanz a few things became very apparent.  First – He has been on this story for a very long time, at least a year.   As far as journalists go, he was incredibly deeply engaged and armed with tons of facts.  In fact, he had a trove of internal emails, meeting minutes, and a mountain of data through government filings that must have taken him months to collect.  Secondly, he had the very hard job of turning this very complex space into a format where the uneducated masses can begin to understand it.  Therein lies much of the problem – This is an incredibly complex space to try and communicate it to those not tackling it day to day or even understand that technological, regulatory forces involved.  This is not an area or topic that can be sifted down to a sound bite.   If this were easy, there really wouldn’t be a story would there?

At issue for me is that the complexity of the powers involved seems to get scant attention aiming larger for the “Data Centers are big bad energy vampires hurting the environment” story.   Its clearly evident reading through the comments on the both of the articles so far.   Claiming that the sources and causes have everything to do from poor web page design to government or multi-national companies conspiracies to corner the market on energy. 

So I thought I would take a crack article by article to shed some light (the kind that doesn’t burn energy) on some of the topics and just call out where I disagree completely.     In full transparency  the “Data Barns” article doesn’t necessarily paint me as a “nice guy”.  Sometimes I am.  Sometimes I am not.  I am not an apologist, nor do I intend to do so in this post.  I am paid to get stuff done.  To execute. To deliver.  Quite frankly the PUD missed deadlines (the progenitor event to my email quoted in the piece) and sometimes people (even utility companies) have to live in the real world of consequences.   I think my industry reputation, work, and fundamental stances around driving energy efficiency and environmental conservancy in this industry can stand on its own both publicly and for those that have worked for me. 

There is an inherent irony here that these articles were published in both print and electronically to maximize the audience and readership.  To do that, these articles made “multiple trips” through a data center, and ultimately reside in one (or more).  They seem to denote that keeping things online is bad which seems to go against the availability and need of the articles themselves.  Doesn’t the New York times expect to make these articles available on-line for people to read?  Its posted online already.  Perhaps they expect that their micro-fiche experts would be able to serve the demand for these articles in the future?  I do not think so. 

This is a complex eco-system of users, suppliers, technology, software, platforms, content creators, data (both BIG and small), regulatory forces, utilities, governments, financials, energy consumption, people, personalities, politics, company operating tenets, community outreach to name a very few.  On top of managing through all these variables they also have to keep things running with no downtime.


Familiarity Breeds “Unsent”–The Modern Email problem at Scale.

Everyone has heard of the old sayings “Familiarity breeds contempt”, so I thought it apropos to introduce it as a less understood concept when it comes to large scale Internet mail challenges.   The “spark” for me was a copy of a TechCrunch article entitled “Why No one has tamed e-mail” by Gentry Underwood that was forwarded to me this morning.  It’s a really good article and highlights some of the challenges the mail space is / has been / continues to go through.  Not sure if it really matters, but for full disclosure TechCrunch is an AOL company, although the content was generated by the guest author. 

The article highlights many of the challenges with mail today and how it is broken, or more correctly how it has become broken over time.  The challenges around SPAM, the content of mail being long and convoluted, most e-mail clients being absolutely terrible and the like.  The author also correctly highlights that it’s a hard problem to solve from a technology, design, and business perspective.  As good as a primer as I think this article is, there are some larger issues at play here to truly fix the mail problem.


First Problem – This is not an Email Problem

E-Mail is just a symptom of a larger set of challenges.  I would posit that the problem space itself has evolved and morphed from e-mail into a “Digital Lifestyle Organization” (DLO) issue.  Solving issues relating to e-mail, only solves part of the problem space.   The real challenge is that users are now being bombarded by messages, information, news, and the like from tons of different sources.   The signal to noise ratio is getting extremely high and is resulting people’s frustrations to grow increasingly caustic.   Yes, there is Spam.  But there is an equal amount of opt-in notes and messages, social updates from various social media platforms, RSS feeds, News updates, and a lists of other categories.  It can all be a bit mind-boggling and off-putting.  The real question should not be how to solve the e-mail problem, but rather – how to solve the Digital Lifestyle Organization problem.   Mail is simply a single element in the larger problem.

That’s not to say the points in the article are wrong or cant be applied to this wider definition.  You still face a huge design, interface, workflow challenge trying to organize this kind of data.   The client in whatever form it takes must be easy to use and intuitive.  A task that is elusive in the e-mail space to be sure, and is likely to be even more rare in this new “DLO” world. 

Second Problem – There is comfort in an old pair of Shoes

One of the interesting things I have learned here at AOL since taking on the role of CTO is that there is actually strata of different kinds of users.  I would place myself in the category of power user willing to try and jump platforms for better look/feel, even minor differentiated features and capabilities.  This layer of “Technorati” are constantly looking for the next best thing.  There are other strata however, that don’t necessarily embrace that kind of rapid change, moderate change, or in fact there are layers that don’t like any change at all!  It’s a complicated set of issues and engineering challenges.  At a rough business level, you can lose users because you change to much or don’t change at all.   Some of my friends in the space consider this a timing issue… of when to perfectly time these transitions.  The facts are however, these different stratas change at their own pace and we should understand that certain strata will never change.  In essence you have a few options – An introduce a platform that changes regardless of the user base desires, stay stagnant and never change, or try to find some kind of hybrid solution knowing that it may ultimately increase some of the cost structures around supporting different kinds of environments.  Unless, of course, you build something new that is SO Compelling at to change the game entirely.  

Candidly speaking, this is an issue that AOL has struggled with longer than just about everyone else in the space.   Historically speaking we have oscillated across all of these solutions over close to 30 years with varying degrees of success.  While we can debate what ‘success’ looks like, there is no denying that we have been looking at the science of e-mail for a long time.  With a loyal user base of tens of millions to hundreds of millions users, it provides us with a rich data set to analyze behaviors, usage patterns, user feedback, costs, trends, and the like.   Its this data that highlights the different usage patterns and strata of users.   Its data that is impossible to get as a start-up, and so immensely massive that categorization is no trivial task.

The process we use in terms of understanding these strata could best be described as ‘Electronic Ethnography’.  There are some interesting differentiations in how mail and Digital Lifestyle in aggregate  is used across a variety of variables.  Things like age, gender, location, locale, friends, social circles, and a host of others all play a role in defining the strata.  Simply speaking there are some strata that simply don’t want to change.   Others are very comfortable with their current e-mail experience and don’t see a driving need to change, etc. 


An example of Electronic Ethnography

This essentially nets out to the fact that E-mail and information aggregation is a very complex space.  We must face the fact there will be segments of users that will simply not change because something cooler has come about or some features were added or modified.  In my personal opinion the only way to truly impact and change these behaviors is to come up with something so compelling, so different, that it changes the game and solves the DLO issues.


Third Problem – BIG and Complex

While this was called out by Gentry Underwood in his article it cannot be stated enough.  Whether you focus on mail, the larger DLO space, or any kind of personal information aggregation – there are a host of factors, variables, and challenges to really solve this space.   It also drives big infrastructure, operations, and the like.  Its not going to be easy.  As the TechCrunch article headlines – Go Big or Go Home.   It’s a huge problem space, It’s a huge opportunity, and half measures may help but in and of themselves wont do much to move the needle.   Mail and what I call the DLO space is a huge opportunity of the future of our usage of the Internet medium, in fact it may be the biggest.   There will likely continue to be many casualties trying to solve it.


Fourth Problem – Monetization

From a pure business perspective – Its hard to make money off of mail.   The most common way to monetize mail (or aggregated information) is likely to be advertising.  However, advertising has a direct negative impact on the overall user experience in general and is a key driver of user loss.  You can easily see this in the overall reduction of “advertising” in mail across a number of key players.   Another method is tying it to an overall paid user subscription. But this is challenging as well, are the features and overall “stickiness” of your product something that customers will see a continued value for.  At AOL we have both models in use.   Interestingly, we have users in both models, that fall into the strategy that consider “change” as bad.  As mentioned in the third problem, mail is a big problem, and will require some kind of monetization scheme to justify some of the efforts.  While the larger players have existing user bases to help with this challenge, it’s a real issue for some of the more innovative ideas coming out of smaller start-ups, and is likely a key reason for their potential demise.  The person or firm who comes up with a non-ad/non-subscription based monetization strategy will truly change the game in this space.


With Google’s purchase of Sparrow, the re-design of Microsoft’s Outlook product, some interesting announcements that we have coming out, and a small explosion of start-ups in this space – Things are starting to get interesting.  Hard.  But interesting for sure.  May have to post more on this in the near future.



Sites and Sounds of DataCentre2012: Thoughts and my Personal Favorite presentations Day 1

We wrapped our first full day of talks here at DataCentre2012 and I have to say the content was incredibly good.    A couple of the key highlights that really stuck out in my mind were the talk given by Christian Belady who covered some interesting bits of the Microsoft Data Center Strategy moving forward.   Of course I have a personal interest in that program having been there for Generation1 through Generation4 of the evolutions of the program.   ms-beladyChristian covered some of the technology trends that they are incorporating into their Generation 5 facilities.  It was some very interesting stuff and he went into deeper detail than I have heard so far around the concept of co-generation of power at data center locations.   While I personally have some doubts about the all-in costs and immediacy of its applicability it was great to see some deep meaningful thought and differentiation out of the Microsoft program.  He also went into a some interesting “future” visions which talked about data being the next energy source.  While he took this concept to an entirely new level  I do feel he is directionally correct.  His correlations between the delivery of “data” in a utility model rang very true to me as I have long preached about the fact that we are at the dawning of the Information Utility for over 5 years.

Another fascinating talk came from Oliver J Jones of a company called Chayora.   Few people and companies really understand the complexities and idiosyncrasies of doing business let alone dealing with the development and deployment of large scale infrastructure there.    The presentation done by Mr. Jones was incredibly well done.  Articulating the size, opportunity, and challenges of working in China through the lens of the data center market he nimbly worked in the benefits of working with a company with this kind of expertise.   It was a great way to quietly sell Chayora’s value proposition and looking around the room I could tell the room was enthralled.   His thoughts and data points had me thinking and running through scenarios all day long.  Having been to many infrastructure conferences and seeing hundreds if not thousands of presentations, anyone who can capture that much of my mindshare for the day is a clear winner. 

Tom Furlong and Jay Park of Facebook gave a great talk on OCP with a great focus on their new facility in Sweden.  They also talked  a bit about their other facilities in Prineville and North Carolina as well.   With Furlong taking the Mechanical innovations and Park going through the electrical it was a great talk to created lots of interesting questions.  fb-parkAn incredibly captivating portion of the talk was around calculating data center availability.   In all honesty it was the first time I had ever seen this topic taken head on at a data center conference. In my experience, like PUE, Availability calculations can fall under the spell of marketing departments who truly don’t understand that there SHOULD be real math behind the calculation.   There were two interesting take aways for me.  The first was just how impactful this portion of the talk had on the room in general.   There was an incredible amount of people taking notes as Jay Park went through the equation and way to think about it.   It led me to my second revelation – There are large parts of our industry who don’t know how to do this.   fb-furlongIn private conversations after their talk some people confided that had never truly understood how to calculate this.   It was an interesting wake-up call for me to ensure I covered the basics even in my own talks.

After the Facebook talk it was time for me to mount the stage for Global Thought Leadership Panel.   I was joined on stage by some great industry thinkers including Christian Belady of Microsoft, Len Bosack (founder of Cisco Systems) now CEO XKL Systems, Jack Tison-CTO of Panduit, Kfir Godrich-VP and Chief Technologist at HP, John Corcoran-Executive Chairman of Global Switch, and Paul-Francois Cattier-Global VP of Data Centers  at Schneider Electric.   That’s a lot of people and brainpower to fit on a single stage.  We really needed three times the amount of time allotted for this panel, but that is the way these things go.   Perhaps one of the most interesting recurring themes from question to question was the general agreement that at the end of the day – great technology means nothing without the will do something different.   There was an interesting debate on the differences between enterprise users and large scale users like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and AOL.  I was quite chagrined and a little proud to hear AOL named in that list of luminaries (it wasn’t me who brought it up).   But I was quick to point out that AOL is a bit different in that it has been around for 30 years and our challenges are EXACTLY like Enterprise data center environments.   More on that tomorrow in my keynote I guess.

All in all, it was a good day – there were lots of moments of brilliance in the panel discussions throughout the day.  One regret I have was on the panel regarding DCIM.   They ran out of time for questions from the audience which was unfortunate.   People continue to confuse DCIM as BMS version 2.0 and really miss capturing the work and soft costs, let alone the ongoing commitment to the effort once started.   Additionally there is the question of once you have mountains of collected data, what do you do with that.   I had a bunch of questions on this topic for the panel, including if any of the major manufacturers were thinking about building a decision engine over the data collection.  To me it’s a natural outgrowth and next phase of DCIM.  The one case study they discussed was InterXion.  It was a great effort but I think in the end maintained the confusion around a BMS with a web interface versus true Facilities and IT integration.     Another panel on Modularization got some really lively discussion on feature/functionality and differentiation, and lack of adoption.  To a real degree it highlighted an interesting gulf between manufacturers (mostly represented by the panel) who need to differentiate their products and the users who require vendor interoperability of the solution space.   It probably doesn’t help to have Microsoft or myself in the audience when it comes to discussions around modular capacity.   On to tomorrow!


Sights and Sounds of Datacentre 2012: Christian Belady

This morning I sat in on Christian Belady’s presentation at DataCentre2012. I will post small blips about things that interest me as the conference continues.

Both Christian and Laurent Verneray of Schneider each identified 5 megatrends. Interestingly while there were common themes between them at a high level, they attacked the trends from different altitudes of the data centre problem space. Both discussed the coming pressure on water as a resource.

He then went on to talk about the Microsoft Data Center strategy. Its probably worth a specific post from me on my observations on their evolution.

Rolling Clouds – My Move into the Mobile Cloud

As many of you saw in my last note, I have officially left Digital Realty Trust to address some personal things.   While I get those things in order I am not sitting idling by.   I am extremely happy to announce that I have taken a role at Nokia as their VP of Service Operations.  In this role I will have global responsibility for the strategy, operation and run of infrastructure aspects for Nokia’s new cloud and mobile services platforms.

Its an incredibly exciting role especially when you think of the fact that the number of mobile hand-held’s around the world are increasingly becoming the interface by which people are consuming information.  Whether that be Navigation-based applications or other content related platforms your phone is becoming your gateway to the world. 

I am also very excited by the fact that there are some fierce competitors in this space as well.  Once again I will be donning my armor and doing battle with my friends at Google.   Their Droid platform is definitely interesting and it will be interesting to see how that develops.  I have a great amount of respect for Urs Hoelze and their cloud platform is something I am fairly familiar with .  I will also be doing battle with the folks from Apple (and interestingly my good friend Olivier Sanche).  Apple definitely has the high end hand-held market here in the US, but its experience in Cloud platforms and operations is not very sophisticated just yet.  On some levels I guess I am even competing against the infrastructure and facilities I built out at Microsoft at least as it relates to the mobile world.  Those are some meaty competitors and as you have seen before, I love a good fight.

In my opinion, Nokia has some very interesting characteristics that position it extremely well if not atop the fray in this space.   First there is no arguing about Nokia penetration of hand-held devices across the world.  Especially in markets like India, China, South America, and other emerging Internet-using populations.    Additionally these emerging economies are skipping past ground-based wired technologies to wireless connectivity.   As a result of that, Nokia has an incredible presence already in those markets.   Their OVI platform today already has a significant population of users (measured at least in the 10s of millions) and so scale at the outset is definitely there.    When I think about the challenge that Google has in getting device penetration out there, or Apples high-end (and mostly US) only approach you can see the opportunity.    I am extremely excited to get going.

Hope you will join me for an incredible ride!


Kickin’ Dirt


I recently got an interesting note from Joel Stone, the Global Operations Chief at Global Switch.  As some of you might know Joel used to run North American Operations for me at Microsoft.  I guess he was digging through some old pictures and found this old photo of our initial site selection trip to Quincy, Washington.

As you can see, the open expanse of farmland behind me, ultimately became Microsoft’s showcase facilities in the Northwest.  In fact you can even see some farm equipment just behind me.   It got me reminiscing about that time and how exciting and horrifying that experience can be.

At the time Quincy, Washington was not much more than a small agricultural town, whose leaders did some very good things (infrastructurally speaking) and benefitted by the presence of large amounts of hydro-power.  When we went there, there were no other active data centers for hundreds of miles, there were no other technology firms present, and discussions around locating a giant industrial-technology complex here seemed as foreign as landing on the moon might have sounded during World War Two.

Yet if you fast forward to today companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, Sabey, Intuit, and others have all located technology parks in this one time agricultural hub.   Data Center Knowledge recently did an article on the impacts to Quincy. 

Many people I speak to at conferences generally think that the site selection process is largely academic.   Find the right intersection of a few key criteria and locate areas on a map that seem to fit those requirements.   In fact, the site selection strategy that we employed took many different factors into consideration each with its own weight leading ultimately to a ‘heat map’ in which to investigate possible locations. 

Even with some of the brightest minds, and substantial research being done, its interesting to me that ultimately the process breaks down into something I call ‘Kickin Dirt’.   Those ivory tower exercises ultimately help you narrow down your decisions to a few locations, but the true value of the process is when you get out to the location itself and ‘kick the dirt around’.   You get a feel for the infrastructure, local culture, and those hard to quantify factors that no modeling software can tell you.  

Once you have gone out and kicked the dirt,  its decision time.  The decision you make, backed by all the data and process in the world, backed by personal experience of the locations in question,  ultimately nets out to someone making a decision.   My experience is that this is something that rarely works well if left up to committee.  At some point someone needs the courage and conviction, and in some cases outright insanity to make the call. 

If you are someone with this responsibility in your job today – Do your homework, Kick the Dirt, and make the best call you can.  

To my friends in Quincy – You have come along way baby!  Merry Christmas!



A Practical Guide to the Early Days of Data Center Containers

In my current role (and given my past) I often get asked about the concept of Data Center Containers by many looking at this unique technology application to see if its right for them.   In many respects we are still in the early days of this technology approach and any answers one gives definitely has a variable shelf life given the amount of attention the manufacturers and the industry is giving this technology set.   Still, I thought it might be useful to try and jot down a few key things to think about when looking at data center containers and modularized solutions out there today.

I will do my best to try and balance this view across four different axis the Technology, Real Estate, Financial and Operational Considerations.  A sort of ‘ Executives View’  of this technology. I do this because containers as a technology can not and should not be looked at from a technology perspective alone.  To do so is complete folly and you are asking for some very costly problems down the road if you ignore the other factors.  Many love to focus on the interesting technology characteristics or the benefits in efficiency that this technology can bring to bare for an organization but to implement this technology (like any technology really) you need to have a holistic view of the problem you are really trying to solve.

So before we get into containers specifically lets take a quick look as to why containers have come about.  

The Sad Story of Moore’s Orphan

In technology circles, Moore’s law has come to be applied to a number of different technology advancement and growth trends and has come to represent exponential growth curves.  The original Moore’s law was actually an extrapolation and forward looking observation based on the fact that ‘the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented.’  As my good friend and long time Intel Technical Fellow now with Microsoft, Dileep Bhandarkar routinely states – Moore has now been credited for inventing the exponential.  Its a fruitless battle so we may as well succumb to the tide.orphan

If we look at the technology trends across all areas of Information Technology, whether it be processors, storage, memory, or whatever, the trend has clearly fallen into this exponential pattern in terms of numbers of instructions, amount of storage or memory, network bandwidth, or even tape technology its clear that the movement of Technology has been marching ahead at a staggering pace over the last 20 years.   Isn’t it interesting then that places where all of this wondrous growth and technological wizardry has manifested itself, the data center or computer room, or data hall has been moving along at a near pseudo-evolutionary standstill.  In fact if one truly looks at the technologies present in most modern data center design they would ultimately find small differences from the very first special purpose data room built by IBM over 40 years ago.

Data Centers themselves have a corollary to the beginning of the industrial revolution.   In fact I am positive that Moore’s observations would hold true as civilization transitioned from an agricultural based economy to that of an industrialized one.   In fact one might say that the current modularization approach to data centers is really just the industrialization of the data center itself. 

In the past, each and every data center was built lovingly by hand by a team of master craftsmen and data center artisans.  Each is a one of a kind tool built to solve a set of problems.  Think of the eco-system that has developed around building these modern day castles.  Architects, Engineering firms, construction firms, specialized mechanical industries, and a host of others that all come together to create each and every masterpiece.    So to, did those who built plows, and hammers, clocks and sextants, and the tools of the previous era specialize in making each item, one by one.   That is, of course, until the industrial revolution.industrial

The data center modularization movement is not limited to containers and there is some incredibly ingenious stuff happening in this space out there today outside of containers, but one can easily see the industrial benefits of mass producing such technology.  This approach simply creates more value, reduces cost and complexity, makes technology cheaper and simplifies the whole.  No longer are companies limited to working with the arcane forces of data center design and construction, many of these components are being pre-packaged, pre-manufactured and becoming more aggregated.  Reducing the complexity of the past.  

And why shouldn’t it?   Data Centers live at the intersection of Information and Real Estate.   They are more like machines than buildings but share common elements of both buildings and technology.   All one has to do is look at it from a financial perspective to see how true this is.   In terms of construction, the cost of data centers break down to the following simple format.  Roughly 85% of the total costs to build the facility is made up of the components, labor, and technology to deal with the distribution or cooling of the electrical consumption.


This of course leaves roughly 15% of the costs relegated to land, steel, concrete, bushes, and more of the traditional real estate components of the build.  Obviously these percentages differ market to market but on the whole they are close enough for one to get the general idea.  It also raises an interesting question as to what is the big drive for higher density in data centers, but that is a post for another day. 

As a result of this incredible growth there has been an explosion, a Renaissance if you will, in Data Center Design and approach and the modularization effort is leading the way in causing people to think differently about the data centers themselves.   Its a wonderful time to be part of this industry.   Some claim that the drivers of this change are being driven by the technology.  Others claim that the drivers behind this change have to do with the tough economic times and are more financial.  The true answer (as in all things) is that its a bit of both plus some additional factors.

Driving at the intersection of IT Lane and Building Boulevard

From the perspective of the technology drivers behind this change roads is the fact that most existing data centers are not designed or instrumented to handle the demands of the changing technology requirements occurring within the data center today.

Data Center managers are being faced with increasingly varied redundancy and resiliency requirements within the footprints that they manage.   They continue to support environments that heavily rely upon the infrastructure to provide robust reliability to ensure that key applications do not fail.  But applications are changing.  Increasingly there are applications that do not require the same level of infrastructure to be deployed because either the application is built in such a way that it is more geo-diverse or server-diverse. Perhaps the internal business units have deployed some test servers or lab / R&D environments that do not need this level of infrastructure. With the amount of RFPs out there demanding more diversity from software and application developers to solve the redundancy issue in software rather than large capital spend requirements on behalf of the enterprise, this is a trend likely to continue for some time.  Regardless the reason for the variability challenge that data center managers are facing, the truth is they are greater than ever before.

Traditional data center design cannot achieve these needs without additional waste or significant additional expenditure.   Compounding this is the ever increasing requirements for higher power density and resulting cooling requirements.  This is complicated by the fact that there is no uniformity of load across most data centers.  You have certain racks or areas driving incredible power consumption requiring significant density and other environments, perhaps legacy, perhaps under-utilized which run considerably less dense.   In a single room you could see rack power densities vary by as much as 8kw per rack! You might have a bunch of racks drawing 4kw/rack and an area drawing 12kw per rack or even denser.   This could consume valuable data center resources and make data center planning very difficult.

Additionally looming on the horizon is the spectre or opportunity of commodity cloud services which might offer additional resources which could significantly change the requirements of your data center design or need for specific requirements.  This is generally an unknown at this point, but my money is that the cloud could significantly impact not only what you build, but how you build it.   This ultimately drives a modularized approach to the fore.

From a business / finance perspective companies are faced with some interesting challenges as well.  The first is that the global inventory for data center space (from a leasing or purchase perspective) is sparse at best.    This is resulting from a glut of capacity after the dotcom era and the resulting land grab that occurred after 9/11 and the Finance industry chewing up much of the good inventory.    Additive to this is the fact that there is a real reluctance to build these costly facilities speculatively.   This is a combination of how the market was burned in the dotcom days, and the general lack of availability and access to large sums of capital.  Both of these factors are driving data center space to be a tight resource.

In my opinion the biggest problem across every company I have encountered is that of capacity planning.  Most organizations cannot accurately reflect how much data center capacity they will need in next year let alone 3 or 5 years from now.   Its a challenge that I have invested a lot of time trying to solve and its just not that easy.   But this lack of predictability exacerbates the problems for most companies.  By the time they realize they are running out of capacity or need additional capacity it becomes a time to market problem.   Given the inventory challenge I mentioned above this can position a company in a very uncomfortable place.   Especially if you take the all-in industry average of building a traditional data center yourself in a timeline somewhere between 106 and 152 weeks.  

The high upfront capital costs of a traditional data center build can also be a significant endeavor and business impact event for many companies.   The amount of spending associated with the traditional method of construction could cripple a company’s resources and/or force it to focus its resources on something non-core to the business.   Data Centers can and do impact the balance sheet.  This is a fact that is not lost on the Finance professionals in the organization looking at this type of investment.

With the need for companies to remain agile and allow them to move quickly they are looking for the same flexibility from their infrastructure.    An asset like a large data center built to requirements that no longer fit can create a drag on a companies ability to stay responsive as well. 

None of this even acknowledges some basic cost factors that are beginning to come into play around the construction itself.   The construction industry is already forecasting that for every 8 people retiring in the key trades (mechanical, electrical, pipe-fitting, etc) associated with data centers only one person is replacing them.   This will eventually mean higher cost of construction and an increased scarcity in construction resources.

Modularized approaches help all of these issues and challenges and provide the modern data center manager a way to solve for both the technology and business level challenges. It allows you to move to Site Integration versus Site Construction.    Let me quickly point out that this is not some new whiz bang technology approach.  It has been around in other industries for a long long time.  

Enter the Container Data Center

While it is not the only modularized approach, this is the landscape in which the data center container has made its entry.  container

First and foremost let me say that while I am strong proponent of containment in every aspect, containers can add great value or simply not be a fit at all.  They can drive significant cost benefits or end up costing significantly more than traditional space.  The key is that you need to understand what problem you are trying to solve and that you have a couple of key questions answered first.  

So lets explore some of these things to think about in the current state of Data Center Containers out there today.  

What problem are you trying to solve?

The first question to ask yourself when evaluating if containerized data center space would be a fit is figure out which problem you are trying to solve.   In the past, the driver for me had more to do with solving deployment related issues.   We had moved the base unit of measure from servers to racks of servers ultimately to containers.    To put it more in general IT terms, it was a move of deploying tens to hundreds of servers per month, to hundreds and thousands of servers per month, to tens of thousands of servers per month.    Some people look at containers as Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity Solutions.  Others look at it from the perspective HPC clusters or large uniform batch processing requirements and modeling.    You must remember that most vendor container solutions out there today are modeled on hundreds to thousands of servers per “box”.  Is this a scale that is even applicable to your environment?   If you think its as simple as just dropping a server in place and then deploying servers in as you will, you will have a hard learning curve in the current state of ‘container-world’.   It just does not work that way today. 

Additionally one has to think about the type of ‘IT Load’ they will place inside of a container.  most containers espouse similar or like machines in bulk.  Rare to non-existent is the container that can take a multitude of different SKUs in different configurations.  Does your use drive uniformity of load or consistent use across a large number of machines?  If so, containers might be a good fit, if not, I would argue you are better off in traditional data center space (whether traditionally built or modularly built).

I will assume for purposes of this document that you feel you have a good reason to use this technology application.

Technical things to think about . . .

For purposes of this document I am going to refrain from getting into a discussion or comparison of particular vendors (except in aggregate) and generalizations as I will not endorse any vendor over another in this space.  Nor will I get into an in depth discussion around server densities, compute power, storage or other IT-specific comparisons for the containers.   I will trust that your organizations have experts or at least people knowledgeable in the areas of which servers/network gear/operating systems and the like you need for your application.   There is quite a bit of variety out there to chose from and you are a much better judge of such things for your environments than I.  What I will talk about here from a technical perspective is things that you might not be thinking of when it comes to the use of containers.  

Standards – What’s In? What’s Out?

One of the first considerations you need to look at when looking at containers is to make sure that your facilities experts do a comprehensive look at the vendors you are looking at in terms of the data center aspects of the container.  Why? The answer is simple.  There is no set industry standards when it comes to Data Center Containers.   This means that each vendor might have their own approach on what goes in, and what stays out of the container.   This has some pretty big implications for you as the user.   For example, lets take a look at batteries or UPS solutions.   Some vendors provide this function in the container itself (for ride through, or other purposes), while others assume this is part of the facility you will be connecting the container in to.   How is the UPS/batteries configured in your container?   Some configurations might have some interesting harmonics issues that will not work for your specific building configuration.    Its best to make sure you have both IT and Facilities people look at the solutions you are choosing jointly and make sure you know what base services you will need to provide to the containers themselves from the building, what the containers will provide, and the like. 

This brings up another interesting point you should probably consider.  Given the variety of Container configurations and lack of overall industry standard, you might find yourself locked into a specific container manufacturer for the long haul.  If ensuring you have multiple vendors is important you will need to ensure  that find vendors compatible to a standard that you define or wait until there is an industry standard.    Some look to the widely publicized Microsoft C-Blox specification as a potential basis for a standard.  This is their internal container specification that many vendors have configurations for, but you need to keep in mind that’s based on Microsoft’s requirements and might not meet yours.  Until the Green Grid, ASHRAE, or other such standards body starts looking to drive standards in this space, its probably something to be concerned about.   This What’s in/What’s out conversation becomes important in other areas as well.   In the section below that talks about Finance Asset Classes and Operational items understanding what is inside has some large implications.

Great Server manufacturers are not necessarily great Data Center Engineers

Related to the previous topic, I would recommend that your facilities people really take a look at the mechanical and electrical distribution configurations of the container manufacturers you are evaluating.  The lack of standards leaves a pretty interesting view of interpretation and you may find that the one-line diagrams or configuration of the container itself will not meet your specifications.   Just because a firm builds great servers, it does not mean they build great containers.  Keep in mind, a data center container is a blending of both IT and infrastructure that might normally be housed in a traditional data center infrastructure.  In many cases the actual Data Center componentry and design might be new. Some vendors are quite good, some are not.  Its worth doing your homework here.

Certification – Yes, its different than Standards

Another thing you want to look for is whether or not your provider is UL and/or CE certified.  Its not enough that the servers/internal hardware are UL or CE listed, I would strongly recommend the container itself has this certification.  This is very important as you are essentially talking about a giant metal box that is connected to  somewhere between 100kw to 500kw of power.   Believe me it is in your best interest to ensure that your solution has been tested and certified.  Why? Well a big reason can be found down the yellow brick road.

The Wizard of AHJ or Pay attention to the man behind the curtain…

For those of you who do not know who or what an AHJ is, let me explain.  It standards for Authority having Jurisdiction.  It may sound really technical but it really breaks down to being the local code inspector of where you wish to deploy your containers.   This could be one of the biggest things to pay attention to as your local code inspector could quickly sink your efforts or considerably increase the cost to deploy your container solution from both an operational as well as capital perspective.  

wiz Containers are a relatively new technology and more than likely your AHJ will not have any familiarity with how to interpret this technology in the local market.  Given the fact that there is not a large sample set for them to reference, their interpretation will be very very important.   Its important to ensure you work with your AHJ early on.   This is where the UL or CE listing can become important.  An AHJ could potentially interpret your container in one of two ways.  The first is that of a big giant refrigerator.  Its a bad example, but what I mean is a piece of equipment.    UL and CE listing on the container itself will help with that interpretation.  This should be the correct interpretation ultimately but the AHJ can do what they wish.   They might look at the container as a confined work space.    They might ask you all sorts of interesting questions like how often will people be going into this to service the equipment, (if there is no UL/CE listing)they might look at the electrical and mechanical installations and distribution and rule that it does not meet local electrical codes for distances between devices etc.   Essentially, the AHJ is an all powerful force who could really screw things up for a successful container deployment.  Its important to note, that while UL/CE gives you a great edge, your AHJ could still rule against you. If he rules the container as a confined work space for example, you might be required to suit your IT workers up in hazmat/thermal suits in two man teams to change out servers or drives.  Funny?  That’s a real example and interpretation from an AHJ.    Which brings us to the importance the IT configuration and interpretation is for your use of containers.

Is IT really ready for this?

As you read this section please keep our Wizard of AHJ in the back of your mind. His influence will still be felt in your IT world, whether your IT folks realize it or not.  Containers are really best suited if you have a high degree of automation in your IT function for those services and applications to be run inside them.   If you have an extremely ‘high touch’ environment where you do not have the ability to remotely access servers and need physical human beings to do a lot of care and feeding of your server environment, containers are not for you.  Just picture, IT folks dressed up like spacemen.    It definitely requires that you have a great deal of automation and think through some key items.

Lets first look at your ability to remotely image brand new machines within thestartline container.   Perhaps you have this capability through virtualization or perhaps through software provided by your server manufacturer.   One thing is a fact, this is an almost must-have technology with containers.   Given the fact the a container can come with hundreds to thousands of servers, you really don’t want Edna from IT in a container with DVDs and manually loaded software images.   Or worse, the AHJ might be unfavorable to you and you might have to have two people in suits with the DVDs for safety purposes.  

So definitely keep in mind that you really need a way to deploy your images from a central image repository in place.   Which then leads to the integration with your potential configuration management systems (asset management systems) and network environments.   

Configuration Management and Asset Management systems are also essential to a successful deployment so that the right images get to the right boxes.  Unless you have a monolithic application this is going to be a key problem to solve.    Many solutions in the market today are based upon the server or device ‘ARP’ing out its MAC address and some software layer intercepting that arp correlating that MAC address to some data base to your image repository or configuration management system.   Otherwise you may be back to Edna and her DVDs and her AHJ mandated buddy. 

Of course the concept of Arp’ing brings up your network configuration.   Make sure you put plenty of thought into network connectivity for your container.   Will you have  one VLAN or multiple VLANs across all your servers?   Can your network equipment selected handle the amount of machines inside the container? How your container is configured from a network perspective, and your ability to segment out the servers in a container could be crucial to your success.   Everyone always blames the network guys for issues in IT, so its worth having the conversation up front with the Network teams on how they are going to address the connectivity A) to the container and B) inside the container from a distribution perspective. 

As long as I have all this IT stuff, Containers are cheaper than traditional DC’s right?

Maybe.  This blends a little with the next section specifically around finance things to think about for containers but its really sourced from a technical perspective.   Today you purchase containers in terms of total power draw for the container itself.   150kw, 300kw, 500kw and like denominations.   This ultimately means that you want to optimize your server environments for the load you are using.  Not utilizing the entire power allocation could easily flip the economic benefits of going to containers quickly.    I know what your thinking, Mike, this is the same problem you have in a traditional data center so this should really be a push and a non-issue.

The difference here is that you have a higher upfront cost with the containers.  Lets say you are deploying 300kw containers as a standard.    If you never really drive those containers to 300kw and lets say your average is 100kw you are only getting 33% of the cost benefit.   If you then add a second container and drive it to like capacity, you may find your self paying a significant premium for that capacity at a much higher price point that deploying those servers to traditional raised floor space for example.    Since we are brushing up on economic and financial aspects lets take a quick look at things to keep an eye on in that space.

Finance Friendly?

Most people have the idea that containers are ultimately cheaper and therefore those Finance guys are going to love them.   They may actually be cheaper or they may not, regardless there are other things your Finance teams will definitely want to take a look at.


The first challenge for your finance teams is to figure out how to classify this new asset called a container.   If you think about traditional asset classification for IT and data center investments they typically fall into 3 categories from which the rules for depreciation are set.  The first is Software, The second is server related infrastructure such as Servers, Hardware, racks, and the like.  The last category is the data center components itself.    Software investments might be capitalized over anywhere between 1-10 years.   Servers and the like typically range from 3-5 years, and data centers components (UPS systems, etc) are depreciated closer to 15-30 years.   Containers represent an asset that is really a mixed asset class.  The container obviously houses servers that have a useful life (presumably shorter than the container housing itself), the container also contains components that might be found in the data center therefore traditionally having a longer depreciation cycle.   Remember our What’s in? What’s out conversation? So your finance teams are going to have to figure out how they deal with a Mixed Asset class technology.   There is no easy answer to this.  Some Finance systems are set up for this, others are not.  An organization could move to treat it in an all or nothing fashion.  For example, If the entire container is depreciated over a server life cycle it will dramatically increase the depreciation hit for the business.  If you opt to depreciate it over the longer lead time items, then you will need to figure out how to deal with the fact that the servers within will be rotated much more frequently and be accounted for.    I don’t have an easy answer to this, but I can tell you one thing.   If your Finance folks are not looking at containers along with your facilities and IT folks, they should be.  They might have some work to do to accommodate this technology.

Related to this, you might also want to think about Containers from an insurance perspective.   How is your insurer looking at containers and how do they allocate cost versus risk for this technology set.  Your likely going to have some detailed conversations to bring them up to speed on the technology by and large.  You might find they require you to put in additional fire suppression (its a metal box, it something catches on fire inside, it should naturally be contained right?)  What about the burning plastics?  How is water delivered to the container for cooling, where and how does electrical distribution take place.   These are all questions that could adversely affect the cost or operation of your container deployment so make sure you loop them in as well.

Operations and Containers

Another key area to keep in mind is how your operational environments are going to change as a result of the introduction to containers.   Lets jump back a second and go back to our Insurance examples.   A container could weigh as much as 60,000 pounds (US).  That is pretty heavy.  Now imagine you accidently smack into a load bearing wall or column as you try to push it into place.  That is one area where Operations and Insurance are going to have to work together.   Is your company licensed and bonded for moving containers around?  Does your area have union regulations that only union personnel are certified and bonded to do that kind of work?   Important questions and things you will need to figure out from an Operations perspective.   

Going back to our What’s in and What’s out conversation – You will need to ensure that you have the proper maintenance regimen in place to facilitate the success of this technology.    Perhaps the stuff inside is part of the contract you have with your container manufacturer.  Perhaps its not.   What work will need to take place to properly support that environment.   If you have batteries in your container – how do you service them?  What’s the Wizard of AHJ ruling on that? 

The point here is that an evaluation for containers must be multi-faceted.  If you only look at this solution from a technology perspective you are creating a very large blind spot for yourself that will likely have significant impact on the success of containers in your environment.

This document is really meant to be the first of an evolutionary watch of the industry as it stands today. I will add observations as I think of them and repost accordingly over time. Likely (and hopefully) many of the challenges and things to think about may get solved over time and I remain a strong proponent of this technology application.   The key is that you cannot look at containers purely from a technology perspective.  There are a multitude of other factors that will make or break the use of this technology.  I hope this post helped answer some questions or at least force you to think a bit more holistically around the use of this interesting and exciting technology. 
