Through an idea and force of will, he created an industry…

This week the Data Center Industry got the terrible news it knew might be coming for some time.   That Ken Brill, founder of the Uptime Institute had passed away.  Many of us knew that Ken had been ill for some time and although it may sound silly, were hoping he could somehow pull through it.   Even as ill as he was, Ken was still sending and receiving emails and staying in touch with this industry that quite frankly he helped give birth to.  

I was recently asked about Ken and his legacy for a Computerworld article and it really caused me to stop and re-think his overall legacy and gift to the rest of us in the industry.  Ken Brill was a pioneering, courageous, tenacious, visionary who through his own force of will saw the inefficiencies in a nascent industry and helped craft it into what it is today.

Throughout his early career experience Ken was able to see the absolute silo’ing of information, best practices, and approaches that different enterprises were developing around managing their mission critical IT spaces.    While certainly not alone in the effort, he became the strongest voice and champion to break down those walls, help others through the process and build a network of people who would share these ideas amongst each other.  Before long an industry was born.   Sewn together through his sometimes delicate, sometimes not so delicate cajoling and through it all his absolute passion for the Data Center industry at large.

One of the last times Ken and I got to speak in person.In that effort he also created and permeated the language that the industry uses as commonplace.   Seeing a huge gap in terms of how people communicated and compared mission critical capabilities he became the klaxon of the Tiering system which essentially normalized the those conversations across the Data Center Industry.   While some (including myself) have come to think it’s a time to re-define how we classify our mission critical spaces, we all have to pay homage to the fact that Ken’s insistence and drive for the Tiering system created a place and a platform to even have such conversations.  

One of Ken’s greatest strengths was his adaptability.   For example, Ken and I did not always agree.   I remember an Uptime Fellows meeting back in 2005 or 2006 or so in Arizona.  In this meeting I started talking about the benefits of modularization and reduced infrastructure requirements augmented by better software.   Ken was incredulous and we had significant conversations around the feasibility of such an approach.   At another meeting we discussed the relative importance or non-importance of a new organization called ‘The Green Grid’ (Smile)and if Uptime should closely align itself with those efforts.   Through it all Ken was ultimately adaptable. Whether it was giving those ideas light for conversation amongst the rest of the Uptime community via audio blogs, or other means, Ken was there to have a conversation.

In an industry where complacency has become commonplace, where people rarely question established norms, it was always comforting to know that Ken was there acting the firebrand, causing the conversation to happen.   This week we lost one of the ‘Great Ones’ and I for one will truly miss him.  To his family my deepest sympathies, to our industry I ask, “Who will take his place?”



Open Source Data Center Initiative

There are many in the data center industry that have repeatedly called for change in this community of ours.  Change in technology, change in priorities, Change for the future.  Over the years we have seen those changes come very slowly and while they are starting to move a little faster now, (primarily due to the economic conditions and scrutiny over budgets more-so than a desire to evolve our space) our industry still faces challenges and resistance to forward progress.   There are lots of great ideas, lots of forward thinking, but moving this work to execution and educating business leaders as well as data center professionals to break away from those old stand by accepted norms has not gone well.

That is why I am extremely happy to announce my involvement with the University of Missouri in the launch of a Not-For-Profit Data Center specific organization.   You might have read the formal announcement by Dave Ohara who launched the news via his industry website, GreenM3.   Dave is another of of those industry insiders who has long been perplexed by the lack of movement and initiative we have had on some great ideas and stand outs doing great work.  More importantly, it doesn’t stop there.  We have been able to put together quite a team of industry heavy-weights to get involved in this effort.  Those announcements are forthcoming, and when they do, I think you will get a sense of the type of sea-change this effort could potentially have.

One of the largest challenges we have with regards to data centers is education.   Those of you who follow my blog know that I believe that some engineering and construction firms are incented ‘not to change’ or implementing new approaches.  The cover of complexity allows customers to remain in the dark while innovation is stifled. Those forces who desire to maintain an aura of black box complexity  around this space and repeatedly speak to the arcane arts of building out  data center facilities have been at this a long time.  To them, the interplay of systems requiring one-off monumental temples to technology on every single build is the norm.  Its how you maximize profit, and keep yourself in a profitable position. 

When I discussed this idea briefly with a close industry friend, his first question naturally revolved around how this work would compete with that of the Green Grid, or Uptime Institute, Data Center Pulse, or the other competing industry groups.  Essentially  was this going to be yet another competing though-leadership organization.  The very specific answer to this is no, absolutely not.   

These groups have been out espousing best practices for years.  They have embraced different technologies, they have tried to educate the industry.  They have been pushing for change (for the most part).  They do a great job of highlighting the challenges we face, but for the most part have waited around for universal good will and monetary pressures to make them happen.  It dawned on us that there was another way.   You need to ensure that you build something that gains mindshare, that gets the business leadership attention, that causes a paradigm shift.   As we put the pieces together we realized that the solution had to be credible, technical, and above all have a business case around it.   It seemed to us the parallels to the Open Source movement and the applicability of the approach were a perfect match.

To be clear, this Open Source Data Center Initiative is focused around execution.   Its focused around putting together an open and free engineering framework upon which data center designs, technologies, and the like can be quickly put together and more-over standardize the approaches that both end-users and engineering firms approach the data center industry. 

Imagine if you will a base framework upon which engineering firms, or even individual engineers can propose technologies and designs, specific solution vendors could pitch technologies for inclusion and highlight their effectiveness, more over than all of that it will remove much mystery behind the work that happens in designing facilities and normalize conversations.    

If you think of the Linux movement, and all of those who actively participate in submitting enhancements, features, even pulling together specific build packages for distribution, one could even see such things emerging in the data center engineering realm.   In fact with the myriad of emerging technologies assisting in more energy efficiency, greater densities, differences in approach to economization (air or water), use of containers or non use of containers, its easy to see the potential for this component based design.  

One might think that we are effectively trying to put formal engineering firms out of business with this kind of work.  I would argue that this is definitely not the case.  While it may have the effect of removing some of the extra-profit that results from the current ‘complexity’ factor, this initiative should specifically drive common requirements, and lead to better educated customers, drive specific standards, and result in real world testing and data from the manufacturing community.  Plus, as anyone knows who has ever actually built a data center, the devil is in the localization and details.  Plus as this is an open-source initiative we will not be formally signing the drawings from a professional engineering perspective. 

Manufacturers could submit their technologies, sample application of their solutions, and have those designs plugged into a ‘package’ or ‘RPM’ if I could steal a term from the Redhat Linux nomenclature.  Moreover, we will be able to start driving true visibility of costs both upfront and operating and associate those costs with the set designs with differences and trending from regions around the world.  If its successful, it could be a very good thing.  

We are not naive about this however.  We certainly expect there to be some resistance to this approach out there and in fact some outright negativity from those firms that make the most of the black box complexity components. 

We will have more information on the approach and what it is we are trying to accomplish very soon.  



A Practical Guide to the Early Days of Data Center Containers

In my current role (and given my past) I often get asked about the concept of Data Center Containers by many looking at this unique technology application to see if its right for them.   In many respects we are still in the early days of this technology approach and any answers one gives definitely has a variable shelf life given the amount of attention the manufacturers and the industry is giving this technology set.   Still, I thought it might be useful to try and jot down a few key things to think about when looking at data center containers and modularized solutions out there today.

I will do my best to try and balance this view across four different axis the Technology, Real Estate, Financial and Operational Considerations.  A sort of ‘ Executives View’  of this technology. I do this because containers as a technology can not and should not be looked at from a technology perspective alone.  To do so is complete folly and you are asking for some very costly problems down the road if you ignore the other factors.  Many love to focus on the interesting technology characteristics or the benefits in efficiency that this technology can bring to bare for an organization but to implement this technology (like any technology really) you need to have a holistic view of the problem you are really trying to solve.

So before we get into containers specifically lets take a quick look as to why containers have come about.  

The Sad Story of Moore’s Orphan

In technology circles, Moore’s law has come to be applied to a number of different technology advancement and growth trends and has come to represent exponential growth curves.  The original Moore’s law was actually an extrapolation and forward looking observation based on the fact that ‘the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented.’  As my good friend and long time Intel Technical Fellow now with Microsoft, Dileep Bhandarkar routinely states – Moore has now been credited for inventing the exponential.  Its a fruitless battle so we may as well succumb to the tide.orphan

If we look at the technology trends across all areas of Information Technology, whether it be processors, storage, memory, or whatever, the trend has clearly fallen into this exponential pattern in terms of numbers of instructions, amount of storage or memory, network bandwidth, or even tape technology its clear that the movement of Technology has been marching ahead at a staggering pace over the last 20 years.   Isn’t it interesting then that places where all of this wondrous growth and technological wizardry has manifested itself, the data center or computer room, or data hall has been moving along at a near pseudo-evolutionary standstill.  In fact if one truly looks at the technologies present in most modern data center design they would ultimately find small differences from the very first special purpose data room built by IBM over 40 years ago.

Data Centers themselves have a corollary to the beginning of the industrial revolution.   In fact I am positive that Moore’s observations would hold true as civilization transitioned from an agricultural based economy to that of an industrialized one.   In fact one might say that the current modularization approach to data centers is really just the industrialization of the data center itself. 

In the past, each and every data center was built lovingly by hand by a team of master craftsmen and data center artisans.  Each is a one of a kind tool built to solve a set of problems.  Think of the eco-system that has developed around building these modern day castles.  Architects, Engineering firms, construction firms, specialized mechanical industries, and a host of others that all come together to create each and every masterpiece.    So to, did those who built plows, and hammers, clocks and sextants, and the tools of the previous era specialize in making each item, one by one.   That is, of course, until the industrial revolution.industrial

The data center modularization movement is not limited to containers and there is some incredibly ingenious stuff happening in this space out there today outside of containers, but one can easily see the industrial benefits of mass producing such technology.  This approach simply creates more value, reduces cost and complexity, makes technology cheaper and simplifies the whole.  No longer are companies limited to working with the arcane forces of data center design and construction, many of these components are being pre-packaged, pre-manufactured and becoming more aggregated.  Reducing the complexity of the past.  

And why shouldn’t it?   Data Centers live at the intersection of Information and Real Estate.   They are more like machines than buildings but share common elements of both buildings and technology.   All one has to do is look at it from a financial perspective to see how true this is.   In terms of construction, the cost of data centers break down to the following simple format.  Roughly 85% of the total costs to build the facility is made up of the components, labor, and technology to deal with the distribution or cooling of the electrical consumption.


This of course leaves roughly 15% of the costs relegated to land, steel, concrete, bushes, and more of the traditional real estate components of the build.  Obviously these percentages differ market to market but on the whole they are close enough for one to get the general idea.  It also raises an interesting question as to what is the big drive for higher density in data centers, but that is a post for another day. 

As a result of this incredible growth there has been an explosion, a Renaissance if you will, in Data Center Design and approach and the modularization effort is leading the way in causing people to think differently about the data centers themselves.   Its a wonderful time to be part of this industry.   Some claim that the drivers of this change are being driven by the technology.  Others claim that the drivers behind this change have to do with the tough economic times and are more financial.  The true answer (as in all things) is that its a bit of both plus some additional factors.

Driving at the intersection of IT Lane and Building Boulevard

From the perspective of the technology drivers behind this change roads is the fact that most existing data centers are not designed or instrumented to handle the demands of the changing technology requirements occurring within the data center today.

Data Center managers are being faced with increasingly varied redundancy and resiliency requirements within the footprints that they manage.   They continue to support environments that heavily rely upon the infrastructure to provide robust reliability to ensure that key applications do not fail.  But applications are changing.  Increasingly there are applications that do not require the same level of infrastructure to be deployed because either the application is built in such a way that it is more geo-diverse or server-diverse. Perhaps the internal business units have deployed some test servers or lab / R&D environments that do not need this level of infrastructure. With the amount of RFPs out there demanding more diversity from software and application developers to solve the redundancy issue in software rather than large capital spend requirements on behalf of the enterprise, this is a trend likely to continue for some time.  Regardless the reason for the variability challenge that data center managers are facing, the truth is they are greater than ever before.

Traditional data center design cannot achieve these needs without additional waste or significant additional expenditure.   Compounding this is the ever increasing requirements for higher power density and resulting cooling requirements.  This is complicated by the fact that there is no uniformity of load across most data centers.  You have certain racks or areas driving incredible power consumption requiring significant density and other environments, perhaps legacy, perhaps under-utilized which run considerably less dense.   In a single room you could see rack power densities vary by as much as 8kw per rack! You might have a bunch of racks drawing 4kw/rack and an area drawing 12kw per rack or even denser.   This could consume valuable data center resources and make data center planning very difficult.

Additionally looming on the horizon is the spectre or opportunity of commodity cloud services which might offer additional resources which could significantly change the requirements of your data center design or need for specific requirements.  This is generally an unknown at this point, but my money is that the cloud could significantly impact not only what you build, but how you build it.   This ultimately drives a modularized approach to the fore.

From a business / finance perspective companies are faced with some interesting challenges as well.  The first is that the global inventory for data center space (from a leasing or purchase perspective) is sparse at best.    This is resulting from a glut of capacity after the dotcom era and the resulting land grab that occurred after 9/11 and the Finance industry chewing up much of the good inventory.    Additive to this is the fact that there is a real reluctance to build these costly facilities speculatively.   This is a combination of how the market was burned in the dotcom days, and the general lack of availability and access to large sums of capital.  Both of these factors are driving data center space to be a tight resource.

In my opinion the biggest problem across every company I have encountered is that of capacity planning.  Most organizations cannot accurately reflect how much data center capacity they will need in next year let alone 3 or 5 years from now.   Its a challenge that I have invested a lot of time trying to solve and its just not that easy.   But this lack of predictability exacerbates the problems for most companies.  By the time they realize they are running out of capacity or need additional capacity it becomes a time to market problem.   Given the inventory challenge I mentioned above this can position a company in a very uncomfortable place.   Especially if you take the all-in industry average of building a traditional data center yourself in a timeline somewhere between 106 and 152 weeks.  

The high upfront capital costs of a traditional data center build can also be a significant endeavor and business impact event for many companies.   The amount of spending associated with the traditional method of construction could cripple a company’s resources and/or force it to focus its resources on something non-core to the business.   Data Centers can and do impact the balance sheet.  This is a fact that is not lost on the Finance professionals in the organization looking at this type of investment.

With the need for companies to remain agile and allow them to move quickly they are looking for the same flexibility from their infrastructure.    An asset like a large data center built to requirements that no longer fit can create a drag on a companies ability to stay responsive as well. 

None of this even acknowledges some basic cost factors that are beginning to come into play around the construction itself.   The construction industry is already forecasting that for every 8 people retiring in the key trades (mechanical, electrical, pipe-fitting, etc) associated with data centers only one person is replacing them.   This will eventually mean higher cost of construction and an increased scarcity in construction resources.

Modularized approaches help all of these issues and challenges and provide the modern data center manager a way to solve for both the technology and business level challenges. It allows you to move to Site Integration versus Site Construction.    Let me quickly point out that this is not some new whiz bang technology approach.  It has been around in other industries for a long long time.  

Enter the Container Data Center

While it is not the only modularized approach, this is the landscape in which the data center container has made its entry.  container

First and foremost let me say that while I am strong proponent of containment in every aspect, containers can add great value or simply not be a fit at all.  They can drive significant cost benefits or end up costing significantly more than traditional space.  The key is that you need to understand what problem you are trying to solve and that you have a couple of key questions answered first.  

So lets explore some of these things to think about in the current state of Data Center Containers out there today.  

What problem are you trying to solve?

The first question to ask yourself when evaluating if containerized data center space would be a fit is figure out which problem you are trying to solve.   In the past, the driver for me had more to do with solving deployment related issues.   We had moved the base unit of measure from servers to racks of servers ultimately to containers.    To put it more in general IT terms, it was a move of deploying tens to hundreds of servers per month, to hundreds and thousands of servers per month, to tens of thousands of servers per month.    Some people look at containers as Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity Solutions.  Others look at it from the perspective HPC clusters or large uniform batch processing requirements and modeling.    You must remember that most vendor container solutions out there today are modeled on hundreds to thousands of servers per “box”.  Is this a scale that is even applicable to your environment?   If you think its as simple as just dropping a server in place and then deploying servers in as you will, you will have a hard learning curve in the current state of ‘container-world’.   It just does not work that way today. 

Additionally one has to think about the type of ‘IT Load’ they will place inside of a container.  most containers espouse similar or like machines in bulk.  Rare to non-existent is the container that can take a multitude of different SKUs in different configurations.  Does your use drive uniformity of load or consistent use across a large number of machines?  If so, containers might be a good fit, if not, I would argue you are better off in traditional data center space (whether traditionally built or modularly built).

I will assume for purposes of this document that you feel you have a good reason to use this technology application.

Technical things to think about . . .

For purposes of this document I am going to refrain from getting into a discussion or comparison of particular vendors (except in aggregate) and generalizations as I will not endorse any vendor over another in this space.  Nor will I get into an in depth discussion around server densities, compute power, storage or other IT-specific comparisons for the containers.   I will trust that your organizations have experts or at least people knowledgeable in the areas of which servers/network gear/operating systems and the like you need for your application.   There is quite a bit of variety out there to chose from and you are a much better judge of such things for your environments than I.  What I will talk about here from a technical perspective is things that you might not be thinking of when it comes to the use of containers.  

Standards – What’s In? What’s Out?

One of the first considerations you need to look at when looking at containers is to make sure that your facilities experts do a comprehensive look at the vendors you are looking at in terms of the data center aspects of the container.  Why? The answer is simple.  There is no set industry standards when it comes to Data Center Containers.   This means that each vendor might have their own approach on what goes in, and what stays out of the container.   This has some pretty big implications for you as the user.   For example, lets take a look at batteries or UPS solutions.   Some vendors provide this function in the container itself (for ride through, or other purposes), while others assume this is part of the facility you will be connecting the container in to.   How is the UPS/batteries configured in your container?   Some configurations might have some interesting harmonics issues that will not work for your specific building configuration.    Its best to make sure you have both IT and Facilities people look at the solutions you are choosing jointly and make sure you know what base services you will need to provide to the containers themselves from the building, what the containers will provide, and the like. 

This brings up another interesting point you should probably consider.  Given the variety of Container configurations and lack of overall industry standard, you might find yourself locked into a specific container manufacturer for the long haul.  If ensuring you have multiple vendors is important you will need to ensure  that find vendors compatible to a standard that you define or wait until there is an industry standard.    Some look to the widely publicized Microsoft C-Blox specification as a potential basis for a standard.  This is their internal container specification that many vendors have configurations for, but you need to keep in mind that’s based on Microsoft’s requirements and might not meet yours.  Until the Green Grid, ASHRAE, or other such standards body starts looking to drive standards in this space, its probably something to be concerned about.   This What’s in/What’s out conversation becomes important in other areas as well.   In the section below that talks about Finance Asset Classes and Operational items understanding what is inside has some large implications.

Great Server manufacturers are not necessarily great Data Center Engineers

Related to the previous topic, I would recommend that your facilities people really take a look at the mechanical and electrical distribution configurations of the container manufacturers you are evaluating.  The lack of standards leaves a pretty interesting view of interpretation and you may find that the one-line diagrams or configuration of the container itself will not meet your specifications.   Just because a firm builds great servers, it does not mean they build great containers.  Keep in mind, a data center container is a blending of both IT and infrastructure that might normally be housed in a traditional data center infrastructure.  In many cases the actual Data Center componentry and design might be new. Some vendors are quite good, some are not.  Its worth doing your homework here.

Certification – Yes, its different than Standards

Another thing you want to look for is whether or not your provider is UL and/or CE certified.  Its not enough that the servers/internal hardware are UL or CE listed, I would strongly recommend the container itself has this certification.  This is very important as you are essentially talking about a giant metal box that is connected to  somewhere between 100kw to 500kw of power.   Believe me it is in your best interest to ensure that your solution has been tested and certified.  Why? Well a big reason can be found down the yellow brick road.

The Wizard of AHJ or Pay attention to the man behind the curtain…

For those of you who do not know who or what an AHJ is, let me explain.  It standards for Authority having Jurisdiction.  It may sound really technical but it really breaks down to being the local code inspector of where you wish to deploy your containers.   This could be one of the biggest things to pay attention to as your local code inspector could quickly sink your efforts or considerably increase the cost to deploy your container solution from both an operational as well as capital perspective.  

wiz Containers are a relatively new technology and more than likely your AHJ will not have any familiarity with how to interpret this technology in the local market.  Given the fact that there is not a large sample set for them to reference, their interpretation will be very very important.   Its important to ensure you work with your AHJ early on.   This is where the UL or CE listing can become important.  An AHJ could potentially interpret your container in one of two ways.  The first is that of a big giant refrigerator.  Its a bad example, but what I mean is a piece of equipment.    UL and CE listing on the container itself will help with that interpretation.  This should be the correct interpretation ultimately but the AHJ can do what they wish.   They might look at the container as a confined work space.    They might ask you all sorts of interesting questions like how often will people be going into this to service the equipment, (if there is no UL/CE listing)they might look at the electrical and mechanical installations and distribution and rule that it does not meet local electrical codes for distances between devices etc.   Essentially, the AHJ is an all powerful force who could really screw things up for a successful container deployment.  Its important to note, that while UL/CE gives you a great edge, your AHJ could still rule against you. If he rules the container as a confined work space for example, you might be required to suit your IT workers up in hazmat/thermal suits in two man teams to change out servers or drives.  Funny?  That’s a real example and interpretation from an AHJ.    Which brings us to the importance the IT configuration and interpretation is for your use of containers.

Is IT really ready for this?

As you read this section please keep our Wizard of AHJ in the back of your mind. His influence will still be felt in your IT world, whether your IT folks realize it or not.  Containers are really best suited if you have a high degree of automation in your IT function for those services and applications to be run inside them.   If you have an extremely ‘high touch’ environment where you do not have the ability to remotely access servers and need physical human beings to do a lot of care and feeding of your server environment, containers are not for you.  Just picture, IT folks dressed up like spacemen.    It definitely requires that you have a great deal of automation and think through some key items.

Lets first look at your ability to remotely image brand new machines within thestartline container.   Perhaps you have this capability through virtualization or perhaps through software provided by your server manufacturer.   One thing is a fact, this is an almost must-have technology with containers.   Given the fact the a container can come with hundreds to thousands of servers, you really don’t want Edna from IT in a container with DVDs and manually loaded software images.   Or worse, the AHJ might be unfavorable to you and you might have to have two people in suits with the DVDs for safety purposes.  

So definitely keep in mind that you really need a way to deploy your images from a central image repository in place.   Which then leads to the integration with your potential configuration management systems (asset management systems) and network environments.   

Configuration Management and Asset Management systems are also essential to a successful deployment so that the right images get to the right boxes.  Unless you have a monolithic application this is going to be a key problem to solve.    Many solutions in the market today are based upon the server or device ‘ARP’ing out its MAC address and some software layer intercepting that arp correlating that MAC address to some data base to your image repository or configuration management system.   Otherwise you may be back to Edna and her DVDs and her AHJ mandated buddy. 

Of course the concept of Arp’ing brings up your network configuration.   Make sure you put plenty of thought into network connectivity for your container.   Will you have  one VLAN or multiple VLANs across all your servers?   Can your network equipment selected handle the amount of machines inside the container? How your container is configured from a network perspective, and your ability to segment out the servers in a container could be crucial to your success.   Everyone always blames the network guys for issues in IT, so its worth having the conversation up front with the Network teams on how they are going to address the connectivity A) to the container and B) inside the container from a distribution perspective. 

As long as I have all this IT stuff, Containers are cheaper than traditional DC’s right?

Maybe.  This blends a little with the next section specifically around finance things to think about for containers but its really sourced from a technical perspective.   Today you purchase containers in terms of total power draw for the container itself.   150kw, 300kw, 500kw and like denominations.   This ultimately means that you want to optimize your server environments for the load you are using.  Not utilizing the entire power allocation could easily flip the economic benefits of going to containers quickly.    I know what your thinking, Mike, this is the same problem you have in a traditional data center so this should really be a push and a non-issue.

The difference here is that you have a higher upfront cost with the containers.  Lets say you are deploying 300kw containers as a standard.    If you never really drive those containers to 300kw and lets say your average is 100kw you are only getting 33% of the cost benefit.   If you then add a second container and drive it to like capacity, you may find your self paying a significant premium for that capacity at a much higher price point that deploying those servers to traditional raised floor space for example.    Since we are brushing up on economic and financial aspects lets take a quick look at things to keep an eye on in that space.

Finance Friendly?

Most people have the idea that containers are ultimately cheaper and therefore those Finance guys are going to love them.   They may actually be cheaper or they may not, regardless there are other things your Finance teams will definitely want to take a look at.


The first challenge for your finance teams is to figure out how to classify this new asset called a container.   If you think about traditional asset classification for IT and data center investments they typically fall into 3 categories from which the rules for depreciation are set.  The first is Software, The second is server related infrastructure such as Servers, Hardware, racks, and the like.  The last category is the data center components itself.    Software investments might be capitalized over anywhere between 1-10 years.   Servers and the like typically range from 3-5 years, and data centers components (UPS systems, etc) are depreciated closer to 15-30 years.   Containers represent an asset that is really a mixed asset class.  The container obviously houses servers that have a useful life (presumably shorter than the container housing itself), the container also contains components that might be found in the data center therefore traditionally having a longer depreciation cycle.   Remember our What’s in? What’s out conversation? So your finance teams are going to have to figure out how they deal with a Mixed Asset class technology.   There is no easy answer to this.  Some Finance systems are set up for this, others are not.  An organization could move to treat it in an all or nothing fashion.  For example, If the entire container is depreciated over a server life cycle it will dramatically increase the depreciation hit for the business.  If you opt to depreciate it over the longer lead time items, then you will need to figure out how to deal with the fact that the servers within will be rotated much more frequently and be accounted for.    I don’t have an easy answer to this, but I can tell you one thing.   If your Finance folks are not looking at containers along with your facilities and IT folks, they should be.  They might have some work to do to accommodate this technology.

Related to this, you might also want to think about Containers from an insurance perspective.   How is your insurer looking at containers and how do they allocate cost versus risk for this technology set.  Your likely going to have some detailed conversations to bring them up to speed on the technology by and large.  You might find they require you to put in additional fire suppression (its a metal box, it something catches on fire inside, it should naturally be contained right?)  What about the burning plastics?  How is water delivered to the container for cooling, where and how does electrical distribution take place.   These are all questions that could adversely affect the cost or operation of your container deployment so make sure you loop them in as well.

Operations and Containers

Another key area to keep in mind is how your operational environments are going to change as a result of the introduction to containers.   Lets jump back a second and go back to our Insurance examples.   A container could weigh as much as 60,000 pounds (US).  That is pretty heavy.  Now imagine you accidently smack into a load bearing wall or column as you try to push it into place.  That is one area where Operations and Insurance are going to have to work together.   Is your company licensed and bonded for moving containers around?  Does your area have union regulations that only union personnel are certified and bonded to do that kind of work?   Important questions and things you will need to figure out from an Operations perspective.   

Going back to our What’s in and What’s out conversation – You will need to ensure that you have the proper maintenance regimen in place to facilitate the success of this technology.    Perhaps the stuff inside is part of the contract you have with your container manufacturer.  Perhaps its not.   What work will need to take place to properly support that environment.   If you have batteries in your container – how do you service them?  What’s the Wizard of AHJ ruling on that? 

The point here is that an evaluation for containers must be multi-faceted.  If you only look at this solution from a technology perspective you are creating a very large blind spot for yourself that will likely have significant impact on the success of containers in your environment.

This document is really meant to be the first of an evolutionary watch of the industry as it stands today. I will add observations as I think of them and repost accordingly over time. Likely (and hopefully) many of the challenges and things to think about may get solved over time and I remain a strong proponent of this technology application.   The key is that you cannot look at containers purely from a technology perspective.  There are a multitude of other factors that will make or break the use of this technology.  I hope this post helped answer some questions or at least force you to think a bit more holistically around the use of this interesting and exciting technology. 


Data Center Dynamics – San Francisco July 17th


For those of you interested I will be at Data Center Dynamics in San Francisco on July 17th.   I am scheduled to be on a panel moderated by James Staten of Forrester Research at 11:05AM along with Tom Furlong of Facebook, John Haas of Intel, and Bill Mazzetti of Rosendin Electric entitled ‘The Data Center Efficiency Schism…New Realities in Design’.  I may also do a guest appearance during the Chris Crosby keynote.    When I am not speaking I am likely to be found wandering around the event from session to session so please feel free to stop me and say Hi.

I am also planning on attending a Green Grid event at the conference later in the day as well. 

If you would like more information or are looking for registration information it can be found here.  See you there!


At the Intersection of Marketing and Metrics, the traffic lights don’t work.

First let me start out with the fact that the need for datacenter measurement is paramount if this industry is to be able to manage itself effectively.   When I give a talk I usually begin by asking the crowd three basic questions

1) How many in attendance are monitoring and tracking electrical usage?

2) How many in attendance measure datacenter efficiency?

3) How many work for organizations in which the CIO looks at the power bills?

The response to these questions has been abysmally low for years, but I have been delighted by the fact that slowly but surely, the numbers have been rising.  Not in great numbers mind you, but incrementing.  We are approaching a critical time in the development of the data center industry and where it (and the technologies involved) will go.  

To that end there is no doubt that the PUE metric has been instrumental in driving awareness and visibility on the space.  The Green Grid really did a great job in pulling this metric together evangelizing it to the industry.  Despite a host of other potential metrics out there, PUE has captured the industry given its relatively straight forward approach.   But PUE is poised to be a victim of its own success in my opinion unless the industry takes steps to standardizes its use in marketing material and how it is talked about. 

Don’t get me wrong, I am rabidly committed to PUE as a metric and as a guiding tool in our industry.   In fact I have publicly defended the detractors of this metric for years.  So this post is a small plea for sanity. 

These days, I view each and every public statement of PUE with a full heaping shovel-full of skepticism regardless of company or perceived leadership position.   In my mind measurement of your company’s environment and energy efficiency is a pretty personal experience.   I don’t care which metric you use (even if its not PUE) as long as you take a base measurement and consistently measure over time making changes to achieve greater and greater efficiency.   There is no magic pill, no technology, no approach that gives you efficiency nirvana. It is a process that involves technology (both high tech and low tech), process, procedure,  and old fashioned roll up your sleeves operational best practices over time that gets you there. 

With mounting efforts around regulation, internal scrutiny around capital spending, lack of general market inventory and a host of other reasons, the push for efficiency has never been greater and the spotlight on efficiency as a function of “data center product” is in full swing.  Increasingly PUE is moving from the data center professional and facilities groups to the marketing department.  I view this as bad. 

Enter the Marketing Department

In my new role I get visibility to all sorts of interesting things I never got to see in my role managing the infrastructure for a globally ubiquitous cloud roll out.  One of the more interesting items was an RFP issued by a local regional government for a data center requirement.   The RFP had all the normal things you would expect to find in terms of looking for that kind of thing, but there was a caveat that this facility must have a PUE of 1.2.  When questioned around this PUE target, the person in charge stated, if Google and Microsoft are achieving this level we want the same thing and this is becoming the industry standard.   Of course the realization in differences in application make up, legacy systems, or the fact that it would have to also house massive tape libraries (read low power density) and a host of other factors made it impossible for them to really achieve this.   It was then that I started to get an inkling that PUE was starting to get away from its original intention.  

You don’t have to look far to read about the latest company that has broken the new PUE barrier of 1.5 or 1.4 or 1.3 or 1.2 or even 1.1.  Its like the space race.   Except that the claims of achieving those milestones are never really backed up with real data to prove or disprove it.  Its all a bunch of nonsensical bunk.  And its in this nonsensical bunk that we will damn ourselves with those who have absolutely no clue about how this stuff actually works.  Marketing wants the quick bullet points and a vehicle to allow them to show some kind of technological superiority or green badges of honor.  When someone walks up to me at a tradeshow or emails me braggadocios claims of PUE they are unconsciously picking a fight with me and I am always up for the task.


Lets have an honest, open and frank conversation around this topic shall we?  When someone tells me of the latest greatest PUE they have achieved, or have heard about, my first question is ‘Oh yeah?  Which PUE are they/you using?’.  I love the response I typically get when I ask the question. Eyebrows twist up and a perplexed look takes over their face.   Which PUE?

If you think about it, its a valid question.  Are they looking at Average Annual PUE?  Are they looking at AVERAGE PEAK PUE?  Are they looking at design point PUE?  Are they looking at Annual Average Calculated PUE? Are they looking at Commissioning state PUE?  What is the interval at which they are measuring? Is this the PUE rating they achieved one time at 1:30AM on the coldest night in January?

I sound like an engineer here but there is a vast territory of values between these numbers all of them and none of them may have anything to do with reality.   If you will allow me a bit of role-playing here lets walk through a scenario where we (you and I dear reader) are about to build and commission our first facility.  

We are building out a 1MW facility with a targeted PUE of 1.5.   After successful build out with no problems or hiccups (we are role-playing remember) we begin the commissioning with load banks to simulate load.   During the process of commissioning we have a measured PUE our target of 1.40.  Congratulations we have beaten our design goal! right? We have crossed the 1.5 barrier! Well maybe not.  Lets ask the question…How long did we run the Level 5 commissioning for?  There are some vendors who burn it in over a course of 12 hours.  Some a full day.  Does that 1.40 represent the average of the values collected?  Does it measure the averaged peak?  Was it the lowest value?  What month are we in?  Will it be significantly different in July? January?  May?  Where is the facility located?   The scores over time versus at commissioning will vary significantly over time.  

A few years back when I was at Microsoft, we publicly released the data below for a mature facility at capacity that has been operating and collecting information four years.  We had been tracking PUE or at least the variables used in PUE for that long.  You can see in the chart the variations of PUE.  Keep in mind this chart shows a very concentrated effort to drive efficiency over time.   Even in a mature facility where the load remains mostly constant over time, the PUE has variation and fluctuation.   Add to that the deltas between average, peak and average peak.  Which numbers are you using?


(source: GreenM3 blog)

Ok lets say we settle on using just average (its always the lowest number PUE with the exception of a one time measurement).  We want to look good to management right?  If you are a colo company or data center wholesaler you may even give marketing a look-see to see if there is any value in that regard.    We are very proud of ourselves.  There is much back slapping and glad handing as we send our production model out the door.

Just like an automobile our data center depreciates quickly as soon as the wheels hit the street.  Except that with data centers its the PUE that is negatively affected.


Our brand new facility is now empty.  The load-banks have been removed, we have pristine white floor space ready to go.   With little to no IT load in our facility we currently have a PUE somewhere between 7 and 500.  Its just math (refer back to how PUE is actually calculated).  So now our PUE will be a function of how quickly we consume the capacity.  But wait, how can our PUE be so high?  We have proof from commissioning that we have created an extremely efficient facility.   Its all in the math.  Its math marketing people don’t like.  It screws with the message.   Small revelation here – Data Centers become more “efficient” the more energy they consume!  Regulations that take PUE into account will need to worry about this troublesome side effect. 

There are lots of interesting things you can do to minimize this extremely high PUE at launch like shutting down CRAH units, removing perf tiles and replacing them with solid tiles, but ultimately your PUE is going to be much much higher regardless.  

Now lets take the actual deployment of IT ramps in new data centers.  In many cases enterprises build data centers to last them over a long period of time. This means that there is little likelihood that your facility will look close to your commissioning numbers (with load banks installed).  Add to the fact that traditional data center construction has you building out all of the capacity from the start.  This essentially means that your PUE is not going to have a great story for quite a bit of time.   Its also why I am high on the modularized approach.  Smaller, more modular units allow you to more efficiently (from cost as well as energy efficiency) grow your facility out.

So if we go back to our marketing friends, our PUE looks nothing like the announcement any more.  Future external audits might highlight this, and we may full under scrutiny of falsely advertising our numbers.  So lets pretend we are trying to do everything correctly and have projected that we will completely fill our facility in 5 years.  

The first year we successfully fill 200kw of load in our facility.  We are right on track.   Except that the 200kw was likely not deployed all at once.  It was deployed over the course of the year.   Which means my end of year PUE number may be something like 3.5 but it was much higher earlier in the year.  If I take my annual average, it certainly wont be 3.5.  It will be much higher.   In fact if I equally distribute the 200kw that first year over 12 months, my PUE looks like this:


That looks nothing like the PUE we advertised does it? Additionally I am not even counting the variability introduced by time.   This is just end of month numbers.   So the frequency will have an impact on this number as well.  The second year of operation our numbers are still quite poor when compared to our initial numbers.


Again, if I take annual average PUE for the second year of operation, I am not at my design target nor am I at our commissioned PUE rating.  So how can firms unequivocally state such wonder PUEs?  They cant.  Even this extremely simplistic example doesn’t take into effect that load in the data center moves around based upon utilization, it also almost never achieves the power draw you think it will take.  There are lots of variables here. 

Lets be clear – This is how PUE is supposed to work!  There is nothing wrong with these calcs.  There is nothing wrong with the high values.   It is what it is.  The goal is to drive efficiency in your usage.   Falsely focusing on extremely low numbers that are the result of highly optimized integration between software and infrastructure and making them the desirable targets will do nothing more than place barriers and obstacles in our way later on.  Outsiders looking in want to find simplicity.  They want to find the quick and dirty numbers by which to manage the industry by.   As engineers you know this is a bit more complex.   Marketing efforts and focusing on low PUEs will only damn us later on.

Additionally, if you allow me to put my manager/businessman hat on – there is a law of diminishing return by focusing on lower and lower PUE.  The cost for continued integration and optimization starts losing its overall business value and gains in efficiency are offset by the costs to achieve those gains.  I speak as someone who drove numbers down into that range.   The larger industry would be better served by focusing more on application architecture, machine utilization, virtualization, and like technologies before pushing closer to 1.0. 

So what to do?

I fundamentally believe that this would be an easy thing to correct.   But its completely dependent upon how strong a role the Green Grid wants to play in this.   I feel that the Green Grid has the authority and responsibility to establish guidelines in the formal usage of PUE ratings.  I would posit the following ratings with apologies in advance as I am not a marketing guy who could come up with more clever names:

Design Target PUE (DTP) – This is the PUE rating that theoretically the design should be able to achieve.   I see too many designs that have never manifested physically.  This would be the least “trustworthy” rating until the facility or approach has been built.

Commissioned  Witnessed PUE (CWP) – This is the actual PUE witnessed at the time of commissioning of the facility.  There is a certainty about this rating as it has actually achieved and witnessed.  This would be the rating that most colo providers and wholesalers would need to use as they have little impact or visibility into customer usage.

Annual Average PUE (AAP) – This is what it says it is.  However I think that the Green Grid needs to come up with a minimal standard of frequency (my recommendation is at least 3 times a day, data collection) to establish this rating.  You also couldn’t publish this number without a full years worth of data.

Annual Average Peak PUE (APP) – My preference would be to use this as its a value that actually matters to the ongoing operation of the facility.  When you combine with the Operations challenge of managing power within a facility, you need to account for peaks more carefully especially as you approach the end capacity of the space you are deploying.    Again hard frequencies need to be established along with a full years worth of data here as well.

I think this would greatly cut back on ridiculous claims or at least get closer to a “truth in advertising’ position.  It would also allow for outside agencies to come in and audit those claims over time.  You could easily see extensions to the ISO14k and ISO27K and other audit certifications to test for it.   Additionally it gives the outsiders a peak at the complexity at the space and allows for smarter mechanics that drive for greater efficiency (how about a 10% APP reduction target per year instead). 

As the Green Grid is a consortium of different companies (some of whom are likely to want to keep the fuzziness around PUE for their own gains) it will be interesting to see if they step into better controlling the monster we have unleashed.  

Lets re-claim PUE and Metrics from the Marketing People. 


In disappointment, there is opportunity. . .

I was personally greatly disappointed with the news coming out of last week that the Uptime Institute had branded Microsoft and Google as the enemy to traditional data center operators.  To be truthful, I did not give the reports much credit especially given our long and successful relationship with that organization.  However, when our representatives to the event returned and corroborated the story, I have to admit that I felt more than  a bit let down.

As reported elsewhere, there are some discrepancies in how our mission was portrayed versus the reality of our position.   One of the primary messages of our cloud initiatives is that there is a certain amount of work/information that you will want to be accessed via the cloud, and there is some work/information that you want to keep privately.  Its why we call it SOFTWARE + SERVICES.  There’s quite a few things people just would not feel comfortable running in the cloud.   We are doing this (data center construction and operation)  because the market, competitive forces, and our own research is driving us there.   I did want to address some of the misconceptions coming out of that meeting however:

On PUE, Measurement, and our threat to the IT industry

The comments that Microsoft and Google are the biggest threat to the IT industry and that Microsoft is “making the industry look bad by putting our facilities in areas that would bring the PUE numbers down” are very interesting.  First as mentioned before, please revisit our Software + Services strategy, its kind of hard to be a threat if we are openly acknowledging the need for corporate data centers in our expressed strategy.   I can assure you that we have no intention of making anyone look “bad”, nor do we in any way market our PUE values.  We are not a data center real estate firm and we do not lease out our space where this might even remotely be a factor. 

While Microsoft believes in Economization (both water and air-side), not all of our facilities employ this technology.  In fact, if a criticism does exist its that we believe that its imperative to widen your environmental envelopes as open as you can.  Simply stated – run your facilities hotter!

The fact of the matter is that Microsoft has invested in both technology and software to allow us to run our environments more aggressively than a traditional data center environment.   We understand that certain industries have very specific requirements around the operation of storage of information which drive and dictate certain physical reliability and redundancy needs.   I have been very vocal around getting the Best PUE for your facility.  Our targets are definitely unrealistic for the industry at large but the goal of driving the most efficiency you can out of your facilities is something everyone should be focused on.

It was also mentioned that we do not measure our facilities over time which is patently untrue.   We have years and years worth of measured information for our facilities with multiple measurements per day.  We have been fairly public about this and have produced specifics on numbers (including the Uptime Symposium last year) which makes this somewhat perplexing. 

On Bullying the Industry

If the big cloud players are trying to bully the industry with  money and resources, I guess I have to ask – To what end?  Does this focus on energy efficiency equate to something bad?  Aside from the obvious corporate responsibility of using resources wisely and lowering operating costs, the visibility we are bringing to this space is not inherently bad.  Given the energy constraints we are seeing across the planet, a focus on energy efficiency is a good thing. 

Lets not Overreact, There is yet hope

While many people (external and internal) approached me about pulling out of the Uptime organization entirely or even suggesting that we create a true non-for-profit end user forum, motivated by technology and operations issues alone, I think its more important to stay the course.   As an industry we have so much yet to accomplish.  We are at the beginning of some pretty radical changes in both technology, operations, and software that will define our industry in the coming decades.   Now is not the time to splinter but instead redouble our efforts to work together in the best interests of all involved.

Instead of picking apart the work done by the Green Grid and attacking the PUE metric by and large, I would love to see Uptime and Green Grid working together to give some real guidance.  Instead of calling out that PUE’s of 1.2 are unrealistic for traditional data center operators, would it not be more useful for Uptime and Green Grid to produce PUE targets and ranges associated with each Uptime Tier?   In my mind that would go along way to drive the standardization of reporting and reduce ridiculous marketing claims of PUE.

This industry is blessed with two organizations full of smart people attacking the same problem set.  We will continue our efforts through the Microsoft Data Center Experience (MDX) events, conferences, and white-papers to share what we are doing in the most transparent way possible.


Green Grid Data Center Indicator + CADE = Something useful!

There are times when two concepts merge and the result makes something better than the whole.  It is not unlike the old television commercial where two people collide into each other.  One eating a chocolate bar, the other a vat of peanut butter.   The resulting lines are television gold:

“Your chocolate is in my peanut butter!”

“Your peanut butter is on my chocolate!”

“HEY!” (in unison with smiles)

I have been anxiously awaiting for the Green Grid to publish their work on the Data Center Indicator tool.  My good friend Christian Belady and the incredible folks in the Technical workgroups came up with something that made me smile and gave CADE a way to be a viable metric. 

The Data Center Indicator Tool gives you a visual representation across all factors important to operating and measuring a data center.  Its no secret that  I get quite passionate about the need to measure your data center.   The lack of strict and rigorous uniform measurement across the data center industry is one of the biggest tragedies we are waiting to inflict upon ourselves. 

This tool is not necessarily for beginners as it assumes you have a good set of data and active measurement already in place.   However, in terms of quickly identifying trends and understanding your environment, I find it quite unique and interesting.   In fact, many of the same factors represented are rolled up into the CADE metric.  


The white paper which has been published on the Green Grid Site (White Paper #15)  Is a great way to have a holistic view at your environment over time and is even suitable for executives not familiar with the intricacies of Data Center or Mission Critical environment facilities.    If one takes the rolled up percentage in CADE and combines it with this type of Graph you have a great KPI, and a mechanism which makes the information actionable.  That dear readers is what any facilities manager can use.
