C02K Doubter? Watch the Presidential address today

Are you a Data Center professional who doubts that Carbon legislation is going to happen or that this initiative will never get off the ground?   This afternoon President Obama plans to outline his intention to assess a cost for Carbon consumption at a conference highlighting his economic accomplishments to date.   The backdrop of this of course is the massive oil rig disaster in the Gulf.

As my talk at the Uptime Institute Symposium highlighted this type of legislation will have a big impact on data center and mission critical professionals.  Whether you know it or not, you will be front and center in assisting with the response, collection and reporting required to react to this kind of potential legislation.  In my talk where I questioned the audience in attendance it was quite clear that most of those in the room were vastly ill-prepared and ill-equipped to this kind of effort. 

If passed this type of legislation is going to cause a severe reaction inside organizations to ensure that they are in compliance and likely lead to a huge increase of spending in an effort to collect energy information along with reporting.  For many organizations this will result in significant spending.

image The US House of Representatives has already passed a version of this known as the Waxman Markey bill.   You can bet that there will be a huge amount of pressure to get a Senate version passed and out the door in the coming weeks and months.

This should be a clarion call for data center managers to step up and raise awareness within their organizations about this pending legislation and take a proactive role in establishing a plan for a corporate response.   Take an inventory of your infrastructure and assess what will you need to begin collecting this information?  It might even be wise to get a few quotes to get an idea or ballpark cost of what it might take to bring your organization up to the task.  Its probably better to start doing this now, than to be told by the business to get it done.


Its called the new job lag….

It has been a bit more than 2 months since I made a post on my beloved Loosebolts blog.  To my active and loyal readers, a sincere apology from me personally.   As many of you know I recently took a new role with Nokia running their global service operations.   Its been an amazing experience and there are a lot of really great things going on there that I am sure will come to light in the weeks and months to come.   Unfortunately, for a new person coming in, there is a lot of stuff to do.  Learn the company, learn the culture, learn your organization, figure out what is right, figure out what you might want to improve upon, and generally start over.   I am now starting to come up for air and have more time to reflect on many of the things I see in the industry at large and get back to being my normal ornery self. 

To prove it I posted a link to some of my data center patents in the ABOUT Page here on the site. There are a few more going through the process right now but adding a link shows intent doesn’t it?  🙂

Looking forward to re-engaging…



A Digital Adieu

Those who follow the news from Digital Realty Trust closely may have recently read that I have decided to leave the company to focus a bit more on some personal work/life balance issues.  With this move comes a new role that I will talk more of in the coming days and weeks.

I would like to take a moment and talk about my time and experience at Digital and what I believe to be some industry ground breaking work that is being done there.   The first thing that strikes me about the company is the quality and dedication of the people.  The staff within the organization are incredibly committed to both providing the best product  (in terms of engineering and construction) along with an obsessive regimen around Operations.  In my role running all aspects of design, construction, and operations, this passion showed through every single day.    It was a delight to work with such motivated people. 

From the outside it might be difficult to gauge just how significant this operation truly is.   As many of you know I have run some large programs before, but they all pale in comparison to the size, scope, and complexity of the work happening at DLR.  Its one thing to be building a couple of very large facilities and quite another to be building out tens upon tens of data center construction initiatives across the world.   There simply is no organization in the world that has to construct, manage and operate more data centers, period.   In addition to these “block and tackling” items there is also a healthy focus on modularization and evolving data center design and prototyping.   This focus is not just about driving additional efficiencies in power and cooling, but also in cost, and time to deploy.  A true intersection of business requirements.  On top of all this you add the Pod Architecture Services program and Build to Suit program which additionally extend Digitals capabilities to those looking to build “Do it Yourself” (DIY) Data Centers.   In short, it was a ton of fun with incredible opportunities for growth.

In my time at the company I have focused on driving additional streamlining efforts and operational rigor across the board and have helped set the engineering direction of the company.   This work has already begun to pay some significant dividends and I am sure will likely continue well into the future.   But let me be clear – The success of these initiatives will be delivered by a top rate team with few peers in the industry.  

In short, Digital was a great experience and I feel blessed in having made some life-long friends there as well.   So as I start a new chapter in my life, a bid fond adieu to a Data Center Juggernaut and look boldly forward to what is to come, for me and for Digital.


CIO Magazine Data Center Roundtable

On Wednesday January 13th, I will be co-hosting a Roundtable Dinner with Chicago area CIOs on the topic of data centers and the data center industry at large.   The event is sponsored by CIO Magazine and is likely to be a wide ranging conversation given the mix of executives slated to come.  The group will be made up of technology leadership from a diverse set of industries including Universities, Manufacturing, Financial Institutions, and Hospitality.  

I am betting the topics will range from data center legislation, impact of the cloud, technologies, and key trends.

I am looking forward to some good mid-western steak, great conversation, and walking away from the meeting with more important perspectives on what we are facing as an industry. 

I will try and post a summary of topics discussed later this week. 



Live Chiller-Side Chat scheduled for Monday

I just wanted to send a quick reminder that if you are interested, I am scheduled to give another Live Chiller Side Chat hosted by Rich Miller, editor of DataCenterKnowledge.  The last time we did this we got a ton of great participation and lively interaction.   Topics ranged between Cloud Computing, infrastructure, data center design, data center containers, construction, IT Operations, scale, processes and more. 

If you have a spare hour on Monday at 12:00pm (US Central Time) I would love to spend some time with you.  You can Register by going to the Digital Realty Trust Website.

I have attached the official information blurb about the event below.

Digital Realty Trust and Data Center Knowledge would like to invite you to participate in this live Q&A session with Mike Manos one of the datacenter industry’s leading visionaries and strategists.

Monday, December 7, 2009

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Central

This unique forum provides you the opportunity to share your thoughts, questions or opinions with one of datacenter industry’s preeminent authorities. The datacenter industry is facing a number of critical issues including the impact of impending regulation and Mike will be responding to your questions on this topic and more. Please plan on attending this special event to learn more about the views and perspectives from your fellow datacenter professionals.

Michael Manos, is the Senior Vice President of Technical Services at Digital Realty Trust. Mr. Manos is a 16-year veteran in the technology industry and most recently was responsible for the global design, construction, and operations of all of Microsoft’s datacenter facilities.

Rich Miller is the founder and editor of Data Center Knowledge, a leading source of daily news and analysis about the data center industry. At DCK, Rich has tracked the growing impact of high-density computing on the power and cooling of data centers, and the resulting push for improved energy efficiency in these facilities. Rich has been closely tracking the data center sector since 2000 and has been quoted in The NY Times, Wired, The Washington Post, MSNBC, Computerworld, Wall Street Journal, The FinancialTimes, Newsday, The Miami Herald, The Philadelphia Inquirer and Seattle Post-Intelligencer and many other leading technology and business publications.


A look back and a look forward…

For those of you who are not on the Digital Realty Trust email distribution for such things, I recently did a video for them on some reflections of the past and looking ahead with regards to the data center industry, technologies, and such.  You can find the video link here if your interested.   

I for one would never trust some data center dork in a video.


Panel at Data Center Dynamics – London

On November 10th and 11th I will be speaking on two panels at the Data Center Dynamics event in London.  The theme for the two day event is Carbon: Risk or Opportunity.   In the morning, On Day One, I am speaking  in a panel entitled The Data Center Efficiency Schism …New Realities in Design with Ed Ansett from HP/EYP and my old friend Lex Coors from Interxion.   The afternoon has me on another panel with Liam Newcombe with the British Computer Society entitled ‘The Shape of the Cloud to Come’ moderated by Data Center Dynamics CTO, Stephen Worn.  Liam and I have passion for this space and our past conversations on this topic in particular and other related topics have been quite entertaining (or so I have been told).  To top it off, this panel is moderated by Stephen who is not known for being timid either, so I am really looking forward to the discussion there.

The entire event should be quite super-charged especially given the recent Carbon Reduction Commitment legislation in the UK.  For those of you keeping a close eye on the emerging impact of carbon legislation across the world this event is likely to source a number of lightning rods and thought leadership to watch out for.  

If you have not signed up and will be in London, I would strongly encourage you to do so.   As always if you happen to see me wandering about, please feel free to stop and chat awhile. 


Miss the “Live” Chiller Side Chat? Hear it here!

The folks who were recording the “Live” Chiller Side Chat have sent me a link to the recording.    If you were not able to make the event live, but are still interested in hearing how it went feel free to have a listen at the following link:





Live Chiller Side Chat

I am extremely excited to be participating in a live (webcast) Chiller-Side Chat hosted by none other than Rich Miller of Data Center Knowledge.   The event is scheduled for Monday, September 14th from noon to 1pm Central Standard Time.  You can register for the online event at this link.

I think perhaps the most interesting aspect of this to me is that this will be a live event and focused on answering questions that come in from the audience.   As you know I usually use my ‘Chiller Side Chat’ posts to discuss some topic or other that interests or frustrates me.    Sometimes, even others think they may be interesting or relevant too.    I am planning on meeting up with Rich and doing the webcast from Las Vegas, where I am speaking at the Tier One Hosting Transformation Summit.

I am incredibly excited about this event and hope that if you have time you will join us.  While I will endeavor to give you the right answers – one thing you can be sure of is that you will get MY answers.  🙂

See you then!



Data Center Dynamics – San Francisco July 17th


For those of you interested I will be at Data Center Dynamics in San Francisco on July 17th.   I am scheduled to be on a panel moderated by James Staten of Forrester Research at 11:05AM along with Tom Furlong of Facebook, John Haas of Intel, and Bill Mazzetti of Rosendin Electric entitled ‘The Data Center Efficiency Schism…New Realities in Design’.  I may also do a guest appearance during the Chris Crosby keynote.    When I am not speaking I am likely to be found wandering around the event from session to session so please feel free to stop me and say Hi.

I am also planning on attending a Green Grid event at the conference later in the day as well. 

If you would like more information or are looking for registration information it can be found here.  See you there!
