Whiffs of Wisdom #6 – Managing People Managing Tough Decisions

I am getting a lot of encouragement to share more of my “Whiffs of Wisdom”.  Most are related to Managing Technical People, Technology situations and Managing Managers.  All of them have tongue firmly placed in cheek.  🙂    Heres another one that came up recently:

Whiffs of Wisdom #6 

On Managing People who Have to Manage Tough Decisions

Never underestimate ones ability to avoid making a tough decision or having a tough conversation.  There is a nigh-limitless fountain of creativity in the work created, conference calls had, or meetings to attend –  to avoid having a tough conversation.  If only you could harness that creativity for good.  Vigiliance, personal support, and every once in a while a swift kick in the rear are the only known remedies.




Lessons from Dad

Last week my father retired from the Chicago Police Department.   After 38 years on the force (34 of which he spent as a Homicide Detective in the worst areas of Chicago) he finally called it quits.   Its an event I truly thought I would never see.  My dad has had quite a colorful and storied career, not just with the Police Department but with his various other jobs he held over the years as well. It includes everything from security jobs, to being a member of the US Marshalls Fugitive Apprehension Unit to being a regular Bodyguard to Frank Sinatra.  Even retired he has started his own security and investigations company.  Some things never change I guess.

His dedication to providing for his family was an inspiration and he instilled inside each of his children a great work ethic and desire to be more.  He was a great example of not just doing what you do, but do what you do well.  

On his last full day, a few of the guys he worked with decided to give him a going away bash at the ‘cop bar’ my dad has gone to ever since I can remember.   My brother and I were lucky enough to be there as well.   The event started just after the first shift guys got out, and word soon spread around the Police force of this impromptu gathering.   As the day and night dragged on hundreds of police officers strolled through that door.  Officers past and present almost to midnight came through those doors.   It also goes to prove an old Chicago adage that every cop knows every other cop in Chicago.  He will have a formal retirement party but this event was interesting in its own right in many regards.

My dad always preached to us that you should take care of the people you work with and those that work for you.  Here before us over the course of hours and hours were countless officers who eagerly told me that they would take a bullet for my father any day.   They regaled me with stories (Oh the stories!) of his actions on the police force (most of which my father would never talk about himself)  and how he led his teams.  They talked about tough choices he had to make (life and death in many cases) and sometimes taking the hard road.  But here before us was a lifetime of living like he preached.  It was humbling on so many levels.

I know this post is a big departure from my normal Operations or Data Center topics but I believe it has relevance.  Being a manager you have to make tough choices.   Whether your building teams or just blocking and tackling, you sometimes feel alone and that challenges are too hard to overcome.   The key in these situations is to be more than a manager.  The mechanics of your job can always be done and can likely be done by any other.  Where you truly distinguish yourself is in your ability to lead.   Can you inspire in others a sense of accomplishing the task at hand?  You get so much more out of people when they feel that you are vested in them and their success.   I am not talking about some faux – put on – trickery.  I am talking about investing in the people you work with.   Investing yourself in them and the task at hand.

I hope in my life I am a quarter as successful as my father was in investing in his peers and reports and ultimately his friends.  Its the true definition of success.   You will never remember whether you successfully hit a budget target one year to another, but you will remember those times that you and your teams pulled off the impossible.  Like all human interactions – its that personal connection that ultimately counts. 

My Hero. My Dad.
