Open Sourcing our Operational Scale Tools–Meet Trigger

Not that long ago we made a decision to begin Open Sourcing some of our internal products and tools into the community at large.   There are some really interesting benefits for open sourcing some of these internally developed tools and as a company we begun to do some very interesting work in this space.  Some of our work has gotten quite a bit of attention such as SocketStream which is a very fast, real time web framework. 

Today I am very pleased to announce that we are open-sourcing one of the tools that we use to manage and maintain our network infrastructure.   We call it Trigger.  

Trigger is a Python framework and suite of tools for interfacing with network devices and managing network configuration and security policy. Trigger was specifically internally designed to increase the speed and efficiency of network configuration management.

Trigger’s core device interaction utilizes the freely available Twisted event-driven networking engine. The libraries can connect to network devices by any available method (e.g. telnet, SSH), communicate with them in their native interface (e.g. Juniper JunoScript, Cisco IOS), and return output. Trigger is able to manage any number of jobs in parallel and handle output or errors as they return.

If you think a tool like this would be interesting for you or your company feel free to give it a try.  The Open Source repository for it can be found here at :

For the complete set of documentation is hosted at ReadtheDocs:

This is just the first of many internal efforts and tools that we plan to Open Source.  I will announce more tools in the coming months that have helped AOL to scale over the years.  Stay tuned!


Author: mmanos

Infrastructure at Scale Technologist and Cloud Aficionado.

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